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Item High and low current perceived stress associated with enhanced emotional mnemonic discrimination(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2024) Vas, Rishi; Phillips, Taylor; Ferguson, Lorena A.; Harikumar, Amritha; Castro, Madelyn; Leal, Stephanie L.Stress can have profound impacts on memory. However, the directionality of stress effects on memory varies widely across studies, some showing enhancement while others showing impairment. This variability has been attributed to the Yerkes-Dodson Law, which proposes a U-shaped pattern such that too little or too much stress may be associated with cognitive dysfunction. The impact of stress on memory may also depend on what aspects of memory are being measured (e.g., emotional content, gist vs. detail) and how stress is measured (e.g., physiological measures, self-report). Here, we aimed to examine how self-reported perceived stress in the current moment was associated with memory performance. We used an emotional memory task designed to tap into potential gist versus detail trade-offs of stress impacting memory (e.g., target recognition, lure discrimination). Participants (ages 18-35) reported their current level of perceived stress. We replicated prior work showing impaired emotional relative to neutral lure discrimination in young adults in support of a gist versus detail trade-off in emotional memory. However, those with low and high current perceived stress showed better emotional lure discrimination compared to those with moderate current perceived stress. These results are in line with the Yerkes-Dodson Law but suggest that the directionality of the impact of stress on memory may depend on the type of memory measured. Low and high current perceived stress was associated with greater detailed memory, especially for emotional information, which may be maladaptive given gist vs. detail trade-offs in emotional memory.Item Supply Chain Sustainability in Outer Space: Lessons to Be Learnt from Remote Sites on Earth(MDPI, 2024) Varon Hoyos, Manuel; Hessel, Volker; Salas, Eduardo; Culton, John; Robertson, Karen; Laybourn, Andrea; Escribà-Gelonch, Marc; Cook, Nigel; de Zwart, MelissaSpace exploration, with its enormous distances and extreme environments, is a challenge to technology, human habitation, sustainability, and supply chains. On the flip-side, however, it can provide a new vantage point on how to improve human life and planetary prosperity. This objective requires the development of economic and sustainable supply chains and a governance framework to guarantee fundamental human needs and well-being under the limitations of distant and inhospitable environments. This review describes learnings for human habitation in space from remote communities on Earth that have developed and survived over generations. These include a long history of human survival strategies on Tristan da Cunha, Pitcairn Islands, Nauru, and Easter Island. Their supply chain management solutions and their problems can guide the implementation of logistics systems for the efficient use of resources in space, to satisfy vital needs of human survival but also to ensure social and governance in space, e.g., build-up of thriving communities, mobility, and industrial activities. This review demonstrates that there are significant gaps in recent space supply chain studies with respect to the space environment, social and governance. Analysis of established practices and concepts from remote regions on Earth can readily respond to these deficiencies and thus supplement space exploration. This review recommends extending the assessment of supply-chain assets from the near future to long-term strategic. This implies going far beyond current space supply chain reports to include aspects of social responsibility and governance, such as sustainable health systems, product quality management, and local decision-making.Item Why have we not detected gender differences in organizational justice perceptions⁈ An evidenced-based argument for increasing inclusivity within justice research(Wiley, 2024) Strah, Nicole; Rupp, Deborah E.; Shao, Ruodan; King, Eden; Skarlicki, DanielWhile research from various disciplines shows that women continue to disproportionately face workplace injustices compared to men, OB research has not found meaningful gender differences in self-reported workplace justice perceptions. This paradox has received little attention in the otherwise well-established organizational justice literature. We applied an abductive approach to investigate this paradox by a) confirming its existence, and b) proposing and empirically evaluating seven possible explanations for its existence, using multiple methods and seven distinct datasets. We found that this paradox is unlikely to be explained by measurement invariance, different expectations for treatment, whether the context is male-dominated, differences across years, or differences in how justice perceptions are formed. We did find, however, that when using alternate measurement approaches, women recalled gender-based injustice experiences, reported them as having occurred more frequently than did men, and reported them as having been negatively impactful on their lives/careers. We conclude that the most promising explanation for this paradox is that extant organizational justice measures are deficient for the purpose of capturing variance accountable to gender-based injustice. This highlights the need for more inclusive approaches for the measurement and application of organizational justice, especially when studying the relationship between gender and organizational justice.Item Perceived partner responsiveness alters the association between marital distress and well-being in dementia spousal caregivers(Elsevier, 2024) Lai, Vincent D.; Paoletti-Hatcher, Jensine; Wu-Chung, E. Lydia; Mahant, Itee; Argueta, Daniel L.; Brice, Kelly N.; Denny, Bryan T.; Green, Charles; Medina, Luis D.; Schulz, Paul E.; Stinson, Jennifer M.; Heijnen, Cobi J.; Fagundes, Christopher P.Caregivers for spouses with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) experience drastic changes in the marital relationship that may put them at risk for worsening well-being. Perceived partner responsiveness, or feeling cared for, understood, and appreciated by one's spouse, may help mitigate these effects. In this study, we investigated the associations between marital distress, perceived partner responsiveness, and psychological and physiological well-being indicators among ADRD spousal caregivers. Method A sample of 161 caregivers provided blood samples and completed self-report measures of marital distress, perceived partner responsiveness, and depressive symptoms. We tested hypotheses in our sample cross-sectionally based on two theoretical frameworks. Results Testing the marital discord model of depression, caregivers who reported greater marital distress also reported more depressive symptoms, and this association was stronger as participants reported lower perceived partner responsiveness. Caregivers who reported greater marital distress exhibited elevated proinflammatory cytokine production by in vitro lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated peripheral blood leukocytes at low levels of perceived partner responsiveness, but not mean or high levels. Testing the vulnerability-stress-adaptation model, caregivers who reported more depressive symptoms also reported greater marital distress. Further, caregivers who exhibited elevated LPS-stimulated proinflammatory cytokine production reported greater marital distress at mean and high levels of perceived partner responsiveness, but not low levels. These patterns of results held even when accounting for the dementia stage and reported hours of caregiving per day. Discussion This study's findings contribute to the body of research examining interpersonal factors that shape health and well-being among the caregiver population.Item Teamwork and implementation of innovations in healthcare and human service settings: a systematic review(Springer Nature, 2024) McGuier, Elizabeth A.; Kolko, David J.; Aarons, Gregory A.; Schachter, Allison; Klem, Mary Lou; Diabes, Matthew A.; Weingart, Laurie R.; Salas, Eduardo; Wolk, Courtney BenjaminImplementation of new practices in team-based settings requires teams to work together to respond to new demands and changing expectations. However, team constructs and team-based implementation approaches have received little attention in the implementation science literature. This systematic review summarizes empirical research examining associations between teamwork and implementation outcomes when evidence-based practices and other innovations are implemented in healthcare and human service settings.Item Churning the tides of care: when nurse turnover makes waves in patient access to primary care(Springer Nature, 2024) Arredondo, Kelley; Hughes, Ashley M.; Lester, Houston F.; Pham, Trang N.D.; Petersen, Laura A.; Woodard, LeChauncy; SoRelle, Richard; Jiang, Cheng (Rebecca); Oswald, Frederick L.; Murphy, Daniel R.; Touchett, Hilary N.; Hamer, Joshua; Hysong, Sylvia J.Team-based primary care (PC) enhances the quality of and access to health care. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) implements team-based care through Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACTs), consisting of four core members: a primary care provider, registered nurse (RN) care manager, licensed vocational nurse, and scheduling clerk. RNs play a central role: they coordinate patient care, manage operational needs, and serve as a patient point of contact. Currently, it is not known how varying levels of RN staffing on primary care teams impact patient outcomes.Item Prompting Strategy Use and Beyond: Examining the Relationships between Elaboration, Quantity, and Diversity of Learning Strategies on Performance(MDPI, 2024) Ruffin, Makai A.; Tudor, Ryann N.; Beier, Margaret E.Elaboration is a generative learning strategy wherein learners link prior knowledge and experiences with to-be-remembered information. It is positively related to an array of learning outcomes. However, most students do not independently use generative learning strategies. We explored whether prompting elaboration learning strategies when reading an academic passage influenced knowledge test performance. Participants were randomly assigned to two conditions: receiving a prompt (i.e., experimental; n = 94) and no prompt (i.e., control; n = 112). The results revealed that participants who received the elaboration prompt (M = 13.88, SD = 2.20) did not outperform learners who did not receive the prompt (M = 13.67, SD = 2.43) on the knowledge test. However, we did find a positive relationship between the extent of elaboration strategy use and knowledge test performance across conditions (r = 0.17, p < 0.05). Twelve themes emerged from an exploratory thematic analysis, wherein participants were asked about the learning strategies they used when reading the passage. Students used a variety of learning strategies unprompted, although 42.15% reported not using any additional learning strategies outside of the prompt or using low-utility learning strategies (e.g., relying on memory, skimming). Further exploratory analyses found that the quantity and diversity of learning strategies used individually influenced knowledge test performance. ANCOVA results revealed, however, that when controlling for quantity, the diversity of learning strategies used did not significantly influence knowledge test performance. Our findings contribute to prior literature by (1) demonstrating a relationship between elaboration strategy use and test performance, (2) highlighting learning strategies students use to retain information, and (3) exploring additional factors regarding learning strategy use that influence performance.Item What Instagram Means to Me: Links Between Social Anxiety, Instagram Contingent Self-worth, and Automated Textual Analysis of Linguistic Authenticity(Springer Nature, 2024) Brandao, Beatriz M.; Denny, Bryan T.While research has shown mixed effects of social media on mental health and well-being, little is known about the association between social media attitudes and objective measures of social interaction, such as linguistic authenticity. This study examined the relationship between self-reported social anxiety, linguistic authenticity, and Instagram contingent self-worth (ICSW). A total of 149 adults with active Instagram accounts completed online questionnaires and shared their Instagram comment data. Automated linguistic analysis of authenticity was performed on participants’ comment data using validated algorithms. Multiple linear regression showed that ICSW significantly moderated the relationship between social anxiety and linguistic authenticity, whereby higher levels of social anxiety marginally predicted lower linguistic authenticity at high levels of ICSW. As social media use continues to rise, this study emphasizes the need to explore the impact of social media interactions on emotional and social well-being.Item Deep Learning Analysis of Surgical Video Recordings to Assess Nontechnical Skills(American Medical Association, 2024) Harari, Rayan Ebnali; Dias, Roger D.; Kennedy-Metz, Lauren R.; Varni, Giovanna; Gombolay, Matthew; Yule, Steven; Salas, Eduardo; Zenati, Marco A.Assessing nontechnical skills in operating rooms (ORs) is crucial for enhancing surgical performance and patient safety. However, automated and real-time evaluation of these skills remains challenging.To explore the feasibility of using motion features extracted from surgical video recordings to automatically assess nontechnical skills during cardiac surgical procedures.This cross-sectional study used video recordings of cardiac surgical procedures at a tertiary academic US hospital collected from January 2021 through May 2022. The OpenPose library was used to analyze videos to extract body pose estimations of team members and compute various team motion features. The Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) assessment tool was employed for rating the OR team’s nontechnical skills by 3 expert raters.NOTSS overall score, with motion features extracted from surgical videos as measures.A total of 30 complete cardiac surgery procedures were included: 26 (86.6%) were on-pump coronary artery bypass graft procedures and 4 (13.4%) were aortic valve replacement or repair procedures. All patients were male, and the mean (SD) age was 72 (6.3) years. All surgical teams were composed of 4 key roles (attending surgeon, attending anesthesiologist, primary perfusionist, and scrub nurse) with additional supporting roles. NOTSS scores correlated significantly with trajectory (r = 0.51, P = .005), acceleration (r = 0.48, P = .008), and entropy (r = −0.52, P = .004) of team displacement. Multiple linear regression, adjusted for patient factors, showed average team trajectory (adjusted R2 = 0.335; coefficient, 10.51 [95% CI, 8.81-12.21]; P = .004) and team displacement entropy (adjusted R2 = 0.304; coefficient, −12.64 [95% CI, −20.54 to −4.74]; P = .003) were associated with NOTSS scores.This study suggests a significant link between OR team movements and nontechnical skills ratings by NOTSS during cardiac surgical procedures, suggesting automated surgical video analysis could enhance nontechnical skills assessment. Further investigation across different hospitals and specialties is necessary to validate these findings.Item How to Make an Internal Team Coach: An Integration of Research(MDPI, 2024) Fernández Castillo, Gabriela; Linhardt, Rylee; Salas, EduardoTeam coaching has been found to increase group effort, improve interpersonal processes, and increase team knowledge and learning. However, the team coaching literature is renowned for its inability to define team coaching itself—making it difficult to solidify its place in the world of team science. So far, there is no consensus on what specific training would serve internal leaders best, and how they would connect to the team coaching literature. We know leadership and team training are effective in improving organizational outcomes, but the gap in the literature lies in identifying what specific competencies internal team coaches need, and what training could fulfill these. In this piece, we seek to (1) identify what competencies internal team leaders need based on the outcomes we know team coaching yields, (2) identify specific behaviors that can fulfill these competencies, and (3) integrate the literature to form an evidence-based guide on what training to provide to internal team coaches. By doing so, we hope to provide a definitive understanding of what internal team coaches need to be successful.Item Examining Links Between Distinct Affective States and Tobacco Lapse During a Cessation Attempt Among African Americans: A Cohort Study(Oxford University Press, 2024) Jones, Dusti R; Potter, Lindsey N; Lam, Cho Y; Schlechter, Chelsey R; Nahum-Shani, Inbal; Fagundes, Christopher; Wetter, David WAffect states are posited to play a pivotal role in addiction-related processes, including tobacco lapse (i.e., smoking during a quit attempt), and distinct affective states (e.g., joy vs. happiness) may differentially influence lapse likelihood. However, few studies have examined the influence of distinct affective states on tobacco lapse.This study examines the influence of 23 distinct affect states on tobacco lapse among a sample of tobacco users attempting to quit.Participants were 220 adults who identified as African American (50% female, ages 18–74). Ecological momentary assessment was used to assess affect and lapse in real-time. Between and within-person associations testing links between distinct affect states and lapse were examined with multilevel modeling for binary outcomes.After adjusting for previous time’s lapse and for all other positive or negative affect items, results suggested that at the between-person level, joy was associated with lower odds of lapse, and at the within-person level, attentiveness was associated with lower odds of lapse. Results also suggested that at the between-person level, guilt and nervous were associated with higher odds of lapse, and at the within-person level, shame was associated with higher odds of lapse.The present study uses real-time, real-world data to demonstrate the role of distinct positive and negative affects on momentary tobacco lapse. This work helps elucidate specific affective experiences that facilitate or hinder the ability to abstain from tobacco use during a quit attempt.Item CXCL10 is a crucial chemoattractant for efficient intranasal delivery of mesenchymal stem cells to the neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain(Springer Nature, 2024) Hermans, Eva C.; Donega, Vanessa; Heijnen, Cobi J.; de Theije, Caroline G.M.; Nijboer, Cora H.Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in newborns. Recent research has shown promise in using intranasal mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy if administered within 10 days after Hypoxia-Ischemia (HI) in neonatal mice. MSCs migrate from the nasal cavity to the cerebral lesion in response to chemotactic cues. Which exact chemokines are crucial for MSC guidance to the HI lesion is currently not fully understood. This study investigates the role of CXCL10 in MSC migration towards the HI-injured brain.Item Beyond communication: an update on transforming healthcare teams(Frontiers Media S.A., 2024) Fernández Castillo, Gabriela; Khalid, Maha; Salas, EduardoIn 2018, Salas et al. (2018b) offered ten observations on the science of teams in healthcare. This perspective article offers a quick update, providing a new set of observations based on the latest findings. As a point-of-departure for these observations, we use one of medicine's most cited culprits of error: communication (see Table 1* for a complete list of articles discussing communication; see also Etherington et al., 2019;Street Jr. et al., 2020;Tiwary et al., 2019) -and our belief that while important, a sole focus on it fails to take a holistic approach.Upon surveying recent literature (i.e., 2018 -2023), we found that 89% of articles discuss communication in some way, and 28% mention communication as one of the leading causes of medical error (i.e., Chamberland et al., 2018;* Real et al., 2018;* Seidlein et al., 2022;* Wu et al., 2020). However, in the following piece, our stance is that despite communication having been repeatedly cited as "the" medical culprit, it may not be the source of all contention (Clapper & Ching, 2020). More recent findings identify other challenges, such as accountability (e.g., Randall Curtis et al., 2018), conflict management (e.g., Bajwa et al., 2020;* Keller et al., 2019*), decision-making (e.g., Papermaster & Champion, 2021*), reflecting on progress, and coaching as the primary challenges healthcare teams face (Zajac et al., 2021). Moreover, communication is a multi-faceted competency that also requires a holistic view.In our review...Item Social inattentional blindness to idea stealing in meetings(Springer Nature, 2024) Masters-Waage, Theodore C.; Kinias, Zoe; Argueta-Rivera, Jazmin; Stewart, Dillon; Ivany, Rachel; King, Eden; Hebl, MikkiUsing a virtual reality social experiment, participants (N = 154) experienced being at the table during a decision-making meeting and identified the best solutions generated. During the meeting, one meeting participant repeated another participant’s idea, presenting it as his own. Although this idea stealing was clearly visible and audible, only 30% of participants correctly identified who shared the idea first. Subsequent analyses suggest that the social environment affected this novel form of inattentional blindness. Although there was no experimental effect of team diversity on noticing, there was correlational evidence of an indirect effect of perceived team status on noticing via attentional engagement. In sum, this paper extends the inattentional blindness phenomenon to a realistic professional interaction and demonstrates how features of the social environment can reduce social inattention.Item Boring But Demanding: Using Secondary Tasks to Counter the Driver Vigilance Decrement for Partially Automated Driving(Sage, 2024) Mishler, Scott; Chen, JingObjective We investigated secondary–task–based countermeasures to the vigilance decrement during a simulated partially automated driving (PAD) task, with the goal of understanding the underlying mechanism of the vigilance decrement and maintaining driver vigilance in PAD. Background Partial driving automation requires a human driver to monitor the roadway, but humans are notoriously bad at monitoring tasks over long periods of time, demonstrating the vigilance decrement in such tasks. The overload explanations of the vigilance decrement predict the decrement to be worse with added secondary tasks due to increased task demands and depleted attentional resources, whereas the underload explanations predict the vigilance decrement to be alleviated with secondary tasks due to increased task engagement. Method Participants watched a driving video simulating PAD and were required to identify hazardous vehicles throughout the 45-min drive. A total of 117 participants were assigned to three different vigilance-intervention conditions including a driving-related secondary task (DR) condition, a non-driving-related secondary task (NDR) condition, and a control condition with no secondary tasks. Results Overall, the vigilance decrement was shown over time, reflected in increased response times, reduced hazard detection rates, reduced response sensitivity, shifted response criterion, and subjective reports on task-induced stress. Compared to the DR and the control conditions, the NDR displayed a mitigated vigilance decrement. Conclusion This study provided convergent evidence for both resource depletion and disengagement as sources of the vigilance decrement. Application The practical implication is that infrequent and intermittent breaks using a non-driving related task may help alleviate the vigilance decrement in PAD systems.Item The primacy of morphology in English braille spelling: an analysis of bridging contractions(Springer Nature, 2024) Englebretson, Robert; Holbrook, M. Cay; Treiman, Rebecca; Fischer-Baum, SimonThis study examines the use of braille contractions in a corpus of spelling tests from braille-reading children in grades 1-4, with particular attention to braille contractions that create mismatches with morphological structure. Braille is a tactile writing system that enables people who are blind or visually impaired to read and write. In English and many other languages, reading and writing braille is not simply a matter of transliterating between print letters and their braille equivalents; Unified English Braille (the official braille system used in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and several other English-speaking countries) contains 180 contractions—one or more braille cells that represent whole words or strings of letters. In some words, the prescriptive rules for correct braille usage cause contractions to bridge morphological boundaries and to obscure the spellings of stems and affixes. We demonstrate that, when the prescriptive rules for correct braille usage flout morphological structure, young braille spellers generally follow the morphology rather than the orthographic rules. This work establishes that morphology matters for young braille learners. We discuss the potential impact of our findings on braille research, development, and pedagogy, and we suggest ways in which our findings contribute to understanding the nature of orthographic morphemes and the place of braille in the reading sciences.Item Consecutive Shifts: A Repeated Measure Study to Evaluate Stress, Biomarkers, Social Support, and Fatigue in Medical/Surgical Nurses(MDPI, 2023) Cockerham, Mona; Kang, Duck-Hee; Beier, Margaret E.Nurses report that they are required to work during their scheduled breaks and generally experience extended work times and heavy workloads due to staffing shortages. This study aimed to examine changes in personal, work-related, and overall stress, as well as biological responses and fatigue experienced by nurses during three consecutive 12 h workdays (i.e., the typical “three-twelves” schedule). We also considered the moderating effects of social resources. This prospective study of 81 medical/surgical nurses who completed questionnaires and provided saliva samples at four designated intervals (i.e., pre-shift and post-shift on workdays 1 and 3). Fatigue reported by night shift nurses increased significantly over three consecutive workdays (p = 0.001). Day shift nurses said they encountered more social support than those on the night shift (p = 0.05). Social support moderated the relationship between work-related stress at baseline and reported fatigue on day 3.Item Fear of missing out and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic(Wiley, 2023) LeRoy, Angie S.; Lai, Vincent D.; Tsay-Jones, Arya; Fagundes, Christopher P.During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments issued public health safety measures (e.g., “stay-at-home” ordinances), leaving many people “missing out” on integral social aspects of their own lives. The fear of missing out, popularly shortened as, “FoMO,” is a felt sense of unease one experiences when they perceive they may be missing out on rewarding and/or enjoyable experiences. Among 76 participants (ages M = 69.36, SD = 5.34), who were at risk for hospitalization or death if infected with COVID-19, we found that FoMO was associated with depressive symptoms at Time 1, even when controlling for perceived stress, loneliness, and fear of COVID-19. However, FoMO did not predict future depressive symptoms, about 1 week later, when controlling for Time 1 depressive symptoms. These findings provide further evidence that FoMO is associated with depressive symptoms in a short period of time even when accounting for other powerful social factors such as loneliness. Future research should explore the potential causal relationships between FoMO and depression, especially those that may establish temporal precedence.Item Emotion regulation during encoding reduces negative and enhances neutral mnemonic discrimination in individuals with depressive symptoms(Elsevier, 2023) Hayes, Brandon K.; Harikumar, Amritha; Ferguson, Lorena A.; Dicker, Eva E.; Denny, Bryan T.; Leal, Stephanie L.Individuals with depression exhibit dysfunctional emotion regulation, general episodic memory deficits, and a negativity bias, where negative experiences are better remembered. Recent work suggests that the negativity bias in depression may be driven by enhanced mnemonic discrimination, a memory measure that relies on hippocampal pattern separation – a computation that processes experiences with overlapping features as unique. Previously, we found that individuals with depressive symptoms show enhanced negative and impaired neutral mnemonic discrimination. The current study aimed to investigate emotion regulation as an approach toward modifying memory encoding of negative and neutral events in individuals with depressive symptoms. Here we show that applying psychological distancing (a cognitive reappraisal strategy characterized by taking a third-person perspective toward negative events) during encoding was associated with reduced negative and enhanced neutral mnemonic discrimination during retrieval in individuals with depressive symptoms. These results suggest that applying emotion regulation techniques during encoding may provide an effective approach toward altering dysfunctional memory in those with depressive symptoms. Given that pharmacological treatments often fail to treat depression, emotion regulation provides a powerful and practical approach toward modifying cognitive and emotional processes. Future neuroimaging studies will be important to determine how emotion regulation impacts the neural mechanisms underlying these findings.Item A novel face-name mnemonic discrimination task with naturalistic stimuli(Elsevier, 2023) Mannion, Renae; Harikumar, Amritha; Morales-Calva, Fernanda; Leal, Stephanie L.Difficulty remembering faces and names is a common struggle for many people and gets more difficult as we age. Subtle changes in appearance from day to day, common facial characteristics across individuals, and overlap of names may contribute to the difficulty of learning face-name associations. Computational models suggest the hippocampus plays a key role in reducing interference across experiences with overlapping information by performing pattern separation, which enables us to encode similar experiences as distinct from one another. Thus, given the nature of overlapping features within face-name associative memory, hippocampal pattern separation may be an important underlying mechanism supporting this type of memory. Furthermore, cross-species approaches find that aging is associated with deficits in hippocampal pattern separation. Mnemonic discrimination tasks have been designed to tax hippocampal pattern separation and provide a more sensitive measure of age-related cognitive decline compared to traditional memory tasks. However, traditional face-name associative memory tasks do not parametrically vary overlapping features of faces and names to tax hippocampal pattern separation and often lack naturalistic facial features (e.g., hair, accessories, similarity of features, emotional expressions). Here, we developed a face-name mnemonic discrimination task where we varied face stimuli by similarity, race, sex, and emotional expression as well as the similarity of name stimuli. We tested a sample of healthy young and older adults on this task and found that both age groups showed worsening performance as face-name interference increased. Overall, older adults struggled to remember faces and face-name pairs more than young adults. However, while young adults remembered emotional faces better than neutral faces, older adults selectively remembered positive faces. Thus, the use of a face-name association memory task designed with varying levels of face-name interference as well as the inclusion of naturalistic face stimuli across race, sex, and emotional expressions provides a more nuanced approach relative to traditional face-name association tasks toward understanding age-related changes in memory.