Simple differential digital confocal aperture to improve axial response of line-scanning confocal microendoscopes


Line-scanning confocal microendoscopy offers video-rate cellular imaging of scattering tissue with relatively simple hardware, but its axial response is inferior to that of point-scanning systems. Based on Fourier optics theory, we designed differential confocal apertures with a simple subtraction technique to improve the line-scanning sectioning performance. Taking advantage of digital slit apertures on a digital light projector and a CMOS rolling shutter, we demonstrate real-time optical sectioning performance comparable to point scanning in a dual-camera microendoscope (<$6,000). We validate the background rejection capability when imaging porcine columnar epithelium stained with fluorescent contrast agents with different uptake mechanisms and staining properties.

Journal article

Tang, Yubo, Kortum, Alex, Vohra, Imran, et al.. "Simple differential digital confocal aperture to improve axial response of line-scanning confocal microendoscopes." Optics Letters, 44, no. 18 (2019) Optical Society of America: 4519-4522.

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