Endogenous viral elements reveal associations between a non-retroviral RNA virus and symbiotic dinoflagellate genomes

dc.citation.journalTitleCommunications Biology
dc.contributor.authorVeglia, Alex J.
dc.contributor.authorBistolas, Kalia S. I.
dc.contributor.authorVoolstra, Christian R.
dc.contributor.authorHume, Benjamin C. C.
dc.contributor.authorRuscheweyh, Hans-Joachim
dc.contributor.authorPlanes, Serge
dc.contributor.authorAllemand, Denis
dc.contributor.authorBoissin, Emilie
dc.contributor.authorWincker, Patrick
dc.contributor.authorPoulain, Julie
dc.contributor.authorMoulin, Clémentine
dc.contributor.authorBourdin, Guillaume
dc.contributor.authorIwankow, Guillaume
dc.contributor.authorRomac, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorAgostini, Sylvain
dc.contributor.authorBanaigs, Bernard
dc.contributor.authorBoss, Emmanuel
dc.contributor.authorBowler, Chris
dc.contributor.authorde Vargas, Colomban
dc.contributor.authorDouville, Eric
dc.contributor.authorFlores, Michel
dc.contributor.authorForcioli, Didier
dc.contributor.authorFurla, Paola
dc.contributor.authorGaland, Pierre E.
dc.contributor.authorGilson, Eric
dc.contributor.authorLombard, Fabien
dc.contributor.authorPesant, Stéphane
dc.contributor.authorReynaud, Stéphanie
dc.contributor.authorSunagawa, Shinichi
dc.contributor.authorThomas, Olivier P.
dc.contributor.authorTroublé, Romain
dc.contributor.authorZoccola, Didier
dc.contributor.authorCorrea, Adrienne M. S.
dc.contributor.authorVega Thurber, Rebecca L.
dc.description.abstractEndogenous viral elements (EVEs) offer insight into the evolutionary histories and hosts of contemporary viruses. This study leveraged DNA metagenomics and genomics to detect and infer the host of a non-retroviral dinoflagellate-infecting +ssRNA virus (dinoRNAV) common in coral reefs. As part of the Tara Pacific Expedition, this study surveyed 269 newly sequenced cnidarians and their resident symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodiniaceae), associated metabarcodes, and publicly available metagenomes, revealing 178 dinoRNAV EVEs, predominantly among hydrocoral-dinoflagellate metagenomes. Putative associations between Symbiodiniaceae and dinoRNAV EVEs were corroborated by the characterization of dinoRNAV-like sequences in 17 of 18 scaffold-scale and one chromosome-scale dinoflagellate genome assembly, flanked by characteristically cellular sequences and in proximity to retroelements, suggesting potential mechanisms of integration. EVEs were not detected in dinoflagellate-free (aposymbiotic) cnidarian genome assemblies, including stony corals, hydrocorals, jellyfish, or seawater. The pervasive nature of dinoRNAV EVEs within dinoflagellate genomes (especially Symbiodinium), as well as their inconsistent within-genome distribution and fragmented nature, suggest ancestral or recurrent integration of this virus with variable conservation. Broadly, these findings illustrate how +ssRNA viruses may obscure their genomes as members of nested symbioses, with implications for host evolution, exaptation, and immunity in the context of reef health and disease.
dc.identifier.citationVeglia, Alex J., Bistolas, Kalia S. I., Voolstra, Christian R., et al.. "Endogenous viral elements reveal associations between a non-retroviral RNA virus and symbiotic dinoflagellate genomes." <i>Communications Biology,</i> 6, (2023) Springer Nature: https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-023-04917-9.
dc.publisherSpringer Nature
dc.rightsExcept where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.  Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the work beyond the terms of the license or beyond the bounds of Fair Use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder.
dc.titleEndogenous viral elements reveal associations between a non-retroviral RNA virus and symbiotic dinoflagellate genomes
dc.typeJournal article
dc.type.publicationpublisher version
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