Drama in LCTL Classrooms: Example of an Experiential Learning Project in Modern Standard Arabic

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The present article describes an experiential learning drama project in Modern Standard Arabic that took place at a large, public university in the United States, as an effective way of consolidating learners’ oral skills both productively and receptively at various sublevels of proficiency. After briefly discussing methods and benefits of employing authentic drama texts in a language classroom, the article moves on to describe how the project was structured and conducted through the various phases of play selection, reading sessions, and abridging process and its implications for the lexical and syntactic aspects of the text. Furthermore, the article discusses CALL tools that were employed with a particular focus placed on components such as pronunciation and intonation, and finally, the rehearsal phase as an opportunity for meaningful interaction between learners. The article aims to provide a detailed model of how drama can be employed in second language classrooms with particular focus on less commonly taught languages.


Elsherbiny, H. (2025). Drama in LCTL Classrooms: Example of an Experiential Learning Project in Modern Standard Arabic. https://doi.org/10.25611/HE34-7F06

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