Cite 14, Summer 1986

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Table of Contents

Full issue

— Citelines (PDF)

— Citesurvey: Tin Houses
by Neal I. Payton (PDF)

— The Tejas Club
by June Arnold (PDF)

— Merrymakers
by Walter Clemons (PDF)

— Let it Rain
by David Kaplan (PDF)

— Stick
by Max Apple (PDF)

— Mirage
by Wolde-Ghiorghis Ayele (PDF)

— Master Johnson's House of Education
by John Kaliski (PDF)

— Citeations
by Phillip Lopate, Lorenzo Thomas, April Rapier, and Sally Gall (PDF)

— UnCitely: Terminal Condition
by Jan O’Brien (PDF)

— HindCite: The Last Splash
by David Crossley (PDF)


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