Fondren Library Staff Presentations and Publications

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This collection contains presentations, publications and other works by staff members at Rice University's Fondren Library


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Now showing 1 - 20 of 106
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    Federal Depository Library Leading the Way of Civic Engagement
    (U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2024-10) Xiong, Anna
    Federal Depository Libraries have the strong potential to continue serving as a civic leader in the digital age. This poster highlights Rice University's Fondren Library and its five-year journey to becoming a strong civic engagement leader on campus. It will feature charts, tables, and infographics showcasing Fondren Library's growing efforts, achievements, and service statistics, along with event photos, links to resources and materials, ideas, experience and suggestions for enhancing civic engagement. While the poster aims to inspire Federal Depository Libraries, it can serve as a model for any library seeking to take on a leadership role in civic engagement.
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    The road from DSpace 6 to DSpace 7 and beyond: Building (and building on) two modern digital repositories at Rice University
    (Rice University, 2024-06-03) Jin, Ying; Mulligan, John; Evans, Kenneth
    In October 2023, the Digital Scholarship Services team in Fondren Library at Rice University upgraded its digital repository. The process was both challenging, rewarding, and instructive for our future work on digital collections. We took a mixed approach in which 27% of our content was moved to Quartex, which could be curated as digital cultural heritage, 11% was retired, and the remainder migrated from the DSpace 6.4 system to the new 7.6 deployment. We are now using our two new platforms’ APIs to enable a microservices-based approach to customized UI presentations for special collections, and semi-automatic metadata enrichment, and document submission workflows. This poster describes our preliminary attempts in this space on two collections: geo-located photographs of Chinese subway advertisements over two decades and the geographically dispersed papers relating to the United States President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
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    A Collection of Resources for Learning to Code in R
    (Rice University, 2023) Barber, Catherine Romero
    This collection of guides and Markdown code files introduces coding basics to learners who are new to R. Topics include navigating in RStudio, importing and indexing data, data wrangling, visualization, basic statistics, creating reports with Markdown, and programming basics.
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    Book review: The Impactful Academic: Building a Research Career That Makes a Difference
    (Iowa State University Digital Press, 2023) Kipphut-Smith, Shannon
    A brief review of Wade Kelly's book, The Impactful Academic: Building a Research Career That Makes a Difference (2022).
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    Canvas Survey and User Testing, Summer 2015
    (2015) Kolah, Debra; Yan, Hao
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    Designing the Fondren Library K-12 Experience: A collaborative project
    (2014-06-05) Bynog, David; Spiro, Linda; Edwards, Sandi; Kolah, Debra
    How do we create an experience that makes a meaningful impression on our school visitors, so that they come to know the value of a research library, and understand how it fits into a university setting? The high school student visitors of today could be the Rice students of tomorrow.
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    Usability Testing the Classic Catalog & OneSearch
    (2013) Butler, Diane; Edwards, Sandi; Koffler, Jeff; Kolah, Debra; Mueller, Lauren; Zhao, Jane
    The web team used two methods with students to achieve answers to our research questions. The first method was a series of one-on-one interviews. The second method used was a session where students were invited to drop in and fill out a Google Form that has questions about their use of the library catalog. Finally, a librarian review was conducted to determine areas that needed further training and education within the catalog.
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    Research Flow: Understanding the Way Research Happens
    (2012-08) Kolah, Debra; Rivero, Monica; Ajtai, Rebecca; Focke, Amanda; LaFlamme, Marcel; Spiro, Linda; Crawford, Esther; Segal, Jane; Krevit, Leah; Meyers, Lauren; Miller, Jennifer
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    Discovering Discovery: How Researchers Find the Sources They Need
    (2011-05-18) Kolah, Debra; LaFlamme, Marcel; Segal, Jane; Krevit, Leah
    Rice University’s current discovery tool, OneSearch, will no longer be supported after 2011. A committee, the Fondren Library Resource Discovery Tools Working Group, co-chaired by Esther Crawford and Jiun Kuo, has been charged with looking at other available discovery tools and providing a recommendation to the Fondren Library Executive team on what tool, if any, should be purchased as a replacement. Fondren Library wants to be the first place where information seekers look for information. The right discovery tool could help Fondren attract and retain users seeking one-stop access to information.
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    Establishing fondren@BRC: Insights from a User Study
    (2010-08) Kolah, Debra; Spiro, Lisa
    Rice University’s Bioscience Research Center (BRC) aims to be “a catalyst for new and better ways for researchers to collaborate, explore, learn and lead.”1 With fondren@brc, its new library facility in the BRC, Fondren Library can participate in this collaborative effort and support researchers in producing pioneering new research. Through fondren@brc, the library can explore how to use a flexible library space that focuses on service instead of content, what kind of services to offer to a group of scientists who mainly do their research online, and how to implement embedded librarianship, or the integration of librarians into academic disciplines.
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    Decolonization and the Cambridge University Libraries—Interview with Mel Bach
    (Taylor & Francis, 2023) Vieira, Scott
    In this installment of “Conversations,” Mel Bach, head of collections and academic liaison at Cambridge University, discusses her work on decolonization within the Cambridge University Libraries. The discussion includes a history and description of the Decolonisation Working Group, including its membership and some of its earliest efforts.
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    Open Access and the Changing Landscape for Library Acquisitions — Interview with Gregory T. Eow
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Vieira, Scott
    In this installment of “Conversations,” Gregory T. Eow, associate director for collections at MIT Libraries, shares his perspective on the changing landscape of library acquisitions.
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    Subscription Agents: Problem Solving in the Middle
    (Taylor & Francis, 2018) Vieira, Scott
    Subscription agents provide a variety of intermediary services and products for libraries. Some of their functions include publication sourcing, order and invoice consolidation, providing publisher information, statistics and analysis, and software. In addition, they often work as change agents to the publishing landscape. The following article provides an overview of these many services from the perspective of a select group of subscription agents, librarians, and library staff. Subjects discussed include industry challenges, customer service, and the future relationship between subscription agents and libraries.
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    The British Library’s Philatelic Collections – Interview With Richard Morel
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) Vieira, Scott
    In this installment of “Conversations,” Richard Morel, curator of the British Library’s Philatelic Collections, discusses his professional background and the British Library’s Philatelic Collections, including its history, the collections’ holdings, its use by researchers, collection highlights, curation challenges, and the collections’ future.
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    Fighting Digital Piracy in Publishing: Interview with Sari Frances and Lui Simpson
    (Taylor & Francis, 2018) Vieira, Scott
    In this installment of "Conversations," Sari Frances, manager of digital license compliance for IEEE, and Lui Simpson, vice president of global policy for the Association of American Publishers, discuss their work in protecting the intellectual property (IP) of publishers from digital piracy.
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    Conversations: The Open Libraries Project – Interview with Chris Freeland
    (Taylor & Francis, 2020) Vieira, Scott
    In this installment of “Conversations,” Chris Freeland, director for the Open Libraries project with the Internet Archive, discusses his work with the Open Libraries project and the National Emergency Library.
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    Alternative and Underground Comics: Interview with Caitlin McGurk
    (Taylor & Francis, 2018) Vieira, Scott; McGurk, Caitlin
    In this installment of "Conversations," Caitlin McGurk, associate curator for outreach at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, discusses alternative and underground comics along with different aspects of her professional career in cartoon and comics librarianship.
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    Working in Libraries for the United Nations—Interview with Carly Bachman
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) Vieira, Scott
    In this installment of “Conversations,” Carly Bachman, chief librarian for the United Nations’ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), discusses her work, including her past work for different regional libraries for the United Nations.
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    COVID-19 and Innovation
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) Vieira, Scott
    In this installment of "Conversations," multiple individuals share how they or their organizations have coped with COVID-19 and in some cases the innovations that have come from it.
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    GOKb: Opening Up the Knowledgebase
    (Taylor & Francis, 2016) Vieira, Scott
    The Global Open Knowledgebase Project (GOKb) is providing an open, community-based solution to resource metadata curation. The project's success pivots between data accumulation and enhancement, quality control, open data, and community involvement. In the following, participants in the project respond to questions about where GOKb is today, its usefulness in current workflows, and GOKb's future.