Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Publications

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    Path and Slip Dependent Behavior of Shallow Subduction Shear Zones During Fluid Overpressure
    (Wiley, 2024) Belzer, Benjamin D.; French, Melodie E.
    Elevated pore fluid pressure is proposed to contribute to slow earthquakes along shallow subduction plate boundaries. However, the processes that create high fluid pressure, disequilibrium compaction and dehydration reactions, lead to different effective stress paths in fault rocks. These paths are predicted by granular mechanics frameworks to lead to different strengths and deformation modes, yet granular mechanics do not predict their effects on fault stability. To evaluate the role of fluid overpressure on shallow megathrust strength and slip behavior, we conducted triaxial shear experiments on chlorite and celadonite rich gouge layers. Experiments were conducted at constant temperature (130 and 100°C), confining pressure (130 and 140 MPa), and pore fluid pressures (between 10 and 120 MPa). Fluid overpressure due to disequilibrium compaction was simulated by increasing confining and pore fluid pressure synchronously without exceeding the target effective pressure, whereas overpressure due to dehydration reactions was simulated by first loading the sample to a target isotropic effective pressure and then increasing pore fluid pressure to reduce the effective pressure. We find that the effects of fluid pressure and stress path on the mechanical behavior of the chlorite and celadonite gouges can generally be described using the critical state soil mechanics (CSSM) framework. However, path effects are more pronounced and persist to greater displacements in chlorite because its microstructure is more influenced by stress path. Due to its effects on microstructure, the stress path also imparts greater control on the rate-dependence of chlorite strength, which is not predicted by CSSM.
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    The role of stress and fluid saturation on the acoustic response of fractured rock
    (Frontiers Media S.A., 2023) Lisabeth, Harrison P.; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan
    Standard rock physics models are formulated to describe the behavior of porous sedimentary reservoirs, with clean sandstones being the archetypal system; however, many situations demand geophysical monitoring of rocks with significantly different structures, such as low porosity, fractured reservoirs. Conventional models also suggest that these “stiff” reservoirs can be challenging to monitor seismically due to small fluid substitution effects, but the presence of fractures leads to stress dependence which may be leveraged for remote monitoring purposes. Using samples from the Duperow Formation (dolostone) obtained from the Danielson test well in Kevin Dome, MT, we conducted ultrasonic and multi-scale structural (profilometry, synchrotron micro-tomography, pressure sensitive film) measurements on naturally fractured core in order to characterize the effects of fluid substitution and effective stress on the acoustic response of fractured reservoir rock with a focus in particular on the textural and seismic characteristics of natural fractures. We find that changes in effective stress can yield changes in velocity of up to 20% and changes in attenuation up to 200%. Measured fluid substitution effects are resolvable, but stress effects dominate. These measurements provide insight into the physical processes controlling acoustic response of fractured rocks in general and can also be used to inform monitoring efforts in fractured reservoirs.
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    Arctic Permafrost Thawing Enhances Sulfide Oxidation
    (Wiley, 2023) Kemeny, Preston Cosslett; Li, Gen K.; Douglas, Madison; Berelson, William; Chadwick, Austin J.; Dalleska, Nathan F.; Lamb, Michael P.; Larsen, William; Magyar, John S.; Rollins, Nick E.; Rowland, Joel; Smith, M. Isabel; Torres, Mark A.; Webb, Samuel M.; Fischer, Woodward W.; West, A. Joshua
    Permafrost degradation is altering biogeochemical processes throughout the Arctic. Thaw-induced changes in organic matter transformations and mineral weathering reactions are impacting fluxes of inorganic carbon (IC) and alkalinity (ALK) in Arctic rivers. However, the net impact of these changing fluxes on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (pCO2) is relatively unconstrained. Resolving this uncertainty is important as thaw-driven changes in the fluxes of IC and ALK could produce feedbacks in the global carbon cycle. Enhanced production of sulfuric acid through sulfide oxidation is particularly poorly quantified despite its potential to remove ALK from the ocean-atmosphere system and increase pCO2, producing a positive feedback leading to more warming and permafrost degradation. In this work, we quantified weathering in the Koyukuk River, a major tributary of the Yukon River draining discontinuous permafrost in central Alaska, based on water and sediment samples collected near the village of Huslia in summer 2018. Using measurements of major ion abundances and sulfate (SO42− {\textSO_4^2-\) sulfur (34S/32S) and oxygen (18O/16O) isotope ratios, we employed the MEANDIR inversion model to quantify the relative importance of a suite of weathering processes and their net impact on pCO2. Calculations found that approximately 80% of SO42− {\textSO_4^2-\ in mainstem samples derived from sulfide oxidation with the remainder from evaporite dissolution. Moreover, 34S/32S ratios, 13C/12C ratios of dissolved IC, and sulfur X-ray absorption spectra of mainstem, secondary channel, and floodplain pore fluid and sediment samples revealed modest degrees of microbial sulfate reduction within the floodplain. Weathering fluxes of ALK and IC result in lower values of pCO2 over timescales shorter than carbonate compensation (∼104 yr) and, for mainstem samples, higher values of pCO2 over timescales longer than carbonate compensation but shorter than the residence time of marine SO42− {\textSO_4^2-\ (∼107 yr). Furthermore, the absolute concentrations of SO42− {\textSO_4^2-\ and Mg2+ in the Koyukuk River, as well as the ratios of SO42− {\textSO_4^2-\ and Mg2+ to other dissolved weathering products, have increased over the past 50 years. Through analogy to similar trends in the Yukon River, we interpret these changes as reflecting enhanced sulfide oxidation due to ongoing exposure of previously frozen sediment and changes in the contributions of shallow and deep flow paths to the active channel. Overall, these findings confirm that sulfide oxidation is a substantial outcome of permafrost degradation and that the sulfur cycle responds to permafrost thaw with a timescale-dependent feedback on warming.
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    High-temperature electrothermal remediation of multi-pollutants in soil
    (Springer Nature, 2023) Deng, Bing; Carter, Robert A.; Cheng, Yi; Liu, Yuan; Eddy, Lucas; Wyss, Kevin M.; Ucak-Astarlioglu, Mine G.; Luong, Duy Xuan; Gao, Xiaodong; JeBailey, Khalil; Kittrell, Carter; Xu, Shichen; Jana, Debadrita; Torres, Mark Albert; Braam, Janet; Tour, James M.; NanoCarbon Center and the Rice Advanced Materials Institute; Smalley-Curl Institute
    Soil contamination is an environmental issue due to increasing anthropogenic activities. Existing processes for soil remediation suffer from long treatment time and lack generality because of different sources, occurrences, and properties of pollutants. Here, we report a high-temperature electrothermal process for rapid, water-free remediation of multiple pollutants in soil. The temperature of contaminated soil with carbon additives ramps up to 1000 to 3000 °C as needed within seconds via pulsed direct current input, enabling the vaporization of heavy metals like Cd, Hg, Pb, Co, Ni, and Cu, and graphitization of persistent organic pollutants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The rapid treatment retains soil mineral constituents while increases infiltration rate and exchangeable nutrient supply, leading to soil fertilization and improved germination rates. We propose strategies for upscaling and field applications. Techno-economic analysis indicates the process holds the potential for being more energy-efficient and cost-effective compared to soil washing or thermal desorption.
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    Anomalous widespread arid events in Asia over the past 550,000 years
    (Oxford University Press, 2023) Carrasqueira, Igor Gustavo da Fonseca; Jovane, Luigi; Droxler, André W; Alvarez Zarikian, Carlos A; Lanci, Luca; Alonso-Garcia, Montserrat; Laya, Juan Carlos; Kroon, Dick
    Records of element ratios obtained from the Maldives Inner Sea sediments provide a detailed view on how the Indian Monsoon System has varied at high-resolution time scales. Here, we present records from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1471 based on a refined chronology through the past 550,000 years. The record's high resolution and a proper approach to set the chronology allowed us to reconstruct changes in the Indian Monsoon System on a scale of anomalies and to verify their relationships with established records from the East Asian Monsoon System. On the basis of Fe/sum and Fe/Si records, it can be demonstrated that the Asia continental aridity tracks sea-level changes, while the intensity of winter monsoon winds responds to changes in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Furthermore, the anomalies of continental aridity and intensity of winter monsoon winds at millennial-scale events exhibit power in the precession band, nearly in antiphase with Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. These observations indicate that the insolation drove the anomalies in the Indian Summer Monsoon. The good correspondence between our record and the East Asian monsoon anomaly records suggests the occurrence of anomalous widespread arid events in Asia.
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    Ammonium-Bearing Fluorapophyllite-(K) in the Magnesian Skarns from Aleului Valley, Pietroasa, Romania
    (MDPI, 2023) Marincea, Ştefan; Dumitraş, Delia-Georgeta; Sava Ghineţ, Cristina; Filiuţă, Andra Elena; Dal Bo, Fabrice; Hatert, Frédéric; Costin, Gelu
    An ammonium-bearing fluorapophyllite-(K) occurs as a late hydrothermal product in the outer endoskarn zone from Aleului Valley (N 46°37′04″, E 22°35′22″), located at the contact of the granodiorite laccolith from Pietroasa, of Upper Cretaceous age, with Anisian dolostones. Associated minerals are wollastonite, K feldspar, diopside, fluorapatite, talc, and pectolite. The chemical structural formula is [K0.985Na0.012(NH4)0.076]Σ=1.073(Ca4.009Mn0.001Fe2+0.003Mg0.002Ba0.001)Σ=4.016(Si7.953Al0.047) O20.029[F0.899(OH)0.101]·8.059H2O. The structure was successfully refined as tetragonal, space group P4/mnc, with cell parameters of a = 8.9685(1) Å and c = 15.7885(5) Å. The indices of refraction are ω = 1.534(1) and ε = 1.536(1). The calculated density is Dx = 2.381 g/cm3, in good agreement with the measured density, Dm = 2.379(4) g/cm3. The thermal analysis shows that the mineral completely dehydrates at up to 450 °C (endothermic effects at 330, 371, and 448 °C) and loses ammonium at 634 °C. In the infrared spectra, the multiplicity of the bands assumed to be silicate modes (1ν1 + 3ν3 + 2ν2 + 3ν4) agrees with the reduction in the symmetry of the SiO44− ion from Td to Cδ. Fluorapophyllite-(K) from Aleului Valley is of late hydrothermal origin and crystallized from F-rich fluids originating from the granodiorite intrusion, which mobilized K, Ca, and Si from the pre-existing feldspar.
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    High rates of rock organic carbon oxidation sustained as Andean sediment transits the Amazon foreland-floodplain
    (National Academy of Sciences, 2023) Dellinger, Mathieu; Hilton, Robert G.; Baronas, J. Jotautas; Torres, Mark A.; Burt, Emily I.; Clark, Kasey E.; Galy, Valier; Ccahuana Quispe, Adan Julian; West, A. Joshua
    The oxidation of organic carbon contained within sedimentary rocks (“petrogenic” carbon, or hereafter OCpetro) emits nearly as much CO2 as is released by volcanism, thereby playing a key role in the long-term global C budget. High erosion rates in mountains have been shown to increase OCpetro oxidation. However, these settings also export unweathered material that may continue to react in downstream floodplains. The relative importance of OCpetro oxidation in mountains versus floodplains remains difficult to assess as disparate methods have been used in the different environments. Here, we investigate the sources and fluxes of rhenium (Re) in the Rio Madre de Dios to quantify OCpetro oxidation from the Andes to the Amazon floodplain using a common approach. Dissolved rhenium concentrations (n = 131) range from 0.01 to 63 pmol L−1 and vary depending on lithology and geomorphic setting. We find that >75% of the dissolved Re derives from OCpetro oxidation and that this proportion increases downstream. We estimate that in the Andes, OCpetro oxidation releases 11.2+4.5/−2.8 tC km−2 y−1 of CO2, which corresponds to ~41% of the total OCpetro denudation (sum of oxidized and solid OCpetro). A Re mass balance across the Rio Madre de Dios shows that 46% of OCpetro oxidation takes place in the Andes, 14% in the foreland-lowlands, and 40% in the Andean-fed floodplains. This doubling of OCpetro oxidation flux downstream of the Andes demonstrates that, when present, floodplains can greatly increase OCpetro oxidation and CO2 release.
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    Mastodon over Mammon: towards publicly owned scholarly knowledge
    (The Royal Society, 2023) Brembs, Björn; Lenardic, Adrian; Murray-Rust, Peter; Chan, Leslie; Irawan, Dasapta Erwin
    Twitter is in turmoil and the scholarly community on the platform is once again starting to migrate. As with the early internet, scholarly organizations are at the forefront of developing and implementing a decentralized alternative to Twitter, Mastodon. Both historically and conceptually, this is not a new situation for the scholarly community. Historically, scholars were forced to leave social media platform FriendFeed after it was bought by Facebook in 2006. Conceptually, the problems associated with public scholarly discourse subjected to the whims of corporate owners are not unlike those of scholarly journals owned by monopolistic corporations: in both cases the perils associated with a public good in private hands are palpable. For both short form (Twitter/Mastodon) and longer form (journals) scholarly discourse, decentralized solutions exist, some of which are already enjoying some institutional support. Here we argue that scholarly organizations, in particular learned societies, are now facing a golden opportunity to rethink their hesitations towards such alternatives and support the migration of the scholarly community from Twitter to Mastodon by hosting Mastodon instances. Demonstrating that the scholarly community is capable of creating a truly public square for scholarly discourse, impervious to private takeover, might renew confidence and inspire the community to focus on analogous solutions for the remaining scholarly record—encompassing text, data and code—to safeguard all publicly owned scholarly knowledge.
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    Unprecedented Historical Erosion of US Gulf Coast: A Consequence of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise?
    (Wiley, 2023) Anderson, John B.; Wallace, Davin J.; Rodriguez, Antonio B.; Simms, Alexander R.
    Most of the US Gulf Coast is composed of barrier islands, peninsulas, chenier plains, and mainland beaches that are the main line of defense for wetlands, estuaries, and urban and industrial centers from rising sea level and severe storms. These wave-dominated shorelines are currently experiencing widespread erosion. Using newly acquired and existing results from 13 sites spanning south Florida to south Texas, we compare shoreline migration rates during the late Holocene (∼−4000 to 1850 CE) with historical changes since the mid-19th century. The records show an overall trend of seaward growth during the late Holocene followed by landward migration or a decrease in the rate of growth during historical time. Diminishing offshore sand supply, human alteration of rivers and coastal sand transport, and severe storms have contributed to this change in shoreline trajectory, but their influence has been mostly limited in extent. The most likely cause of this reversal from coastal stability and growth to widespread shoreline retreat is the dramatic historical increase in the rate of sea-level rise over the past century.
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    Tropical Pacific Modulation of the Asian Summer Monsoon Over the Last Millennium in Paleoclimate Data Assimilation Reconstructions
    (Wiley, 2023) Hu, Jun; Dee, Sylvia; Parajuli, Grant; Thirumalai, Kaustubh
    Large uncertainties exist in climate model projections of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM). The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an important modulator of the ASM, but the ENSO-ASM teleconnection is not stationary. Furthermore, teleconnections between ENSO and the East Asian versus South Asian subcomponents of the ASM exhibit distinct characteristics. Therefore, understanding the variability of the ENSO-ASM teleconnection is critical for anticipating future variations in ASM intensity. To this end, we here use paleoclimate records to extend temporal coverage beyond the instrumental era by millennia. Recently, data assimilation techniques have been applied for the last millennium, which facilitates physically consistent, globally gridded climate reconstructions informed by paleoclimate observations. We use these novel data assimilation products to investigate variations in the ENSO-ASM relationship over the last 1,000 years. We find that correlations between ENSO and ASM indices are mostly negative in the last millennium, suggesting that strong ASM years are often associated with La Niña events. During periods of weak correlations between ENSO and the East Asian summer monsoon, we observe an El Niño-like sea surface temperature (SST) pattern in the Pacific. Additionally, SST patterns associated with periods of weak correlations between ENSO and South Asian summer monsoon rainfall are not consistent among data assimilation products. This underscores the importance of developing more precipitation-sensitive paleoclimate proxies in the Indian subcontinental realm over the last millennium. Our study serves as a baseline for future appraisals of paleoclimate assimilation products and an example of informing our understanding of decadal-scale ENSO-ASM teleconnection variability using paleoclimate data sets.
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    Petrogenesis of the Dar al Gani (DaG) 1.1 Ma ejection-paired olivine-phyric shergottites and implications for 470 Ma Martian volcanism
    (Wiley, 2023) Aucamp, Tarryn; Howarth, Geoffrey H.; Peel, Chad J.; Costin, Gelu; Day, James M. D.; le Roux, Petrus; Scott, James M.; Greshake, Ansgar; Bartoschewitz, Rainer
    The Dar al Gani (DaG) olivine-phyric shergottites share mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, which confirm that these meteorites are derived from a single source. Bulk trace elements (La/Yb—0.12), in situ maskelynite 87Sr/86Sr ( 0.7014) and redox estimates (FMQ −2) indicate derivation from a depleted, reduced mantle reservoir; identical to all 470 Ma shergottites ejected at 1.1 Ma. The DaG shergottites have been variably affected by terrestrial alteration, which precipitated carbonate along fractures and modified bulk-rock fluid mobile (e.g., Ba) elements. Nonetheless, sufficient data are available to construct a multi-stage formation model for the DaG shergottites and other 1.1 Ma ejection-paired shergottites that erupted at 470 Ma. First, partial melting of a depleted mantle source occurred at 1540 ± 20°C and 1.2 ± 0.1 GPa, equivalent to > 100 km depth. Then, initial crystallization in a staging chamber at 85 km depth at the crust–mantle boundary took place, followed by magma evolution and variable incorporation of antecrystic olivine ± orthopyroxene. Subsequently, crystallization of olivine phenocrysts and re-equilibration of olivine antecrysts occurred within an ascending magma. Finally, magmas with variable crystal loads erupted at the surface, where varied cooling rates produced a range of groundmass textures. This model is similar to picritic flood basalt magmas erupted on Earth.
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    Nature and Origin of Magnetic Lineations Within Valdivia Bank: Ocean Plateau Formation by Complex Seafloor Spreading
    (Wiley, 2023) Thoram, S.; Sager, W. W.; Gaastra, K.; Tikoo, S. M.; Carvallo, C.; Avery, A.; Del Gaudio, Arianna V.; Huang, Y.; Hoernle, K.; Höfig, T. W.; Bhutani, R.; Buchs, D. M.; Class, C.; Dai, Y.; Valle, G. Dalla; Fielding, S.; Han, S.; Heaton, D. E.; Homrighausen, S.; Kubota, Y.; Li, C.-F.; Nelson, W. R.; Petrou, E.; Potter, K. E.; Pujatti, S.; Scholpp, J.; Shervais, J. W.; Tshiningayamwe, M.; Wang, X. J.; Widdowson, M.
    Valdivia Bank (VB) is a Late Cretaceous oceanic plateau formed by volcanism from the Tristan-Gough hotspot at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). To better understand its origin and evolution, magnetic data were used to generate a magnetic anomaly grid, which was inverted to determine crustal magnetization. The magnetization model reveals quasi-linear polarity zones crossing the plateau and following expected MAR paleo-locations, implying formation by seafloor spreading over ∼4 Myr during the formation of anomalies C34n-C33r. Paleomagnetism and biostratigraphy data from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 391 confirm the magnetic interpretation. Anomaly C33r is split into two negative bands, likely by a westward ridge jump. One of these negative anomalies coincides with deep rift valleys, indicating their age and mechanism of formation. These findings imply that VB originated by seafloor spreading-type volcanism during a plate reorganization, not from a vertical stack of lava flows as expected for a large volcano.
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    Measurements of Wave-Induced Attenuation in Saturated Metapelite and the Band-Limitation of Low-Frequency Earthquakes
    (Wiley, 2023) Fliedner, Céline; French, Melodie E.
    The most common explanation for the depletion of high frequency waves that defines low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) and very low-frequency earthquakes (VLFEs) is that fault rupture and slip are slower than typical earthquakes. However, it is difficult to rule out the possibility that the high frequency waves are produced during slip, but attenuated near the LFE source. One reason this hypothesis has been poorly tested is that there are no measurements of attenuation on the relevant rocks. We present the results of forced oscillation experiments that measure the frequency-dependent attenuation of a chlorite-rich metapelitic schist, a lithology found along the subduction plate boundary where LFEs and VLFEs have been documented. Experiments were run on dry and water-saturated schist at effective pressures of 2–10 MPa and at frequencies of 2 × 10−5–30 Hz. We find that pore fluids and low effective pressure result in the attenuation of high frequencies. The frequency-dependent attenuation is consistent with the concomitant operation of two wave-induced fluid flow mechanisms, squirt flow, and patchy saturation. When the effects of these mechanisms are extrapolated to geologic conditions using rock physics models, our results predict that attenuation is capable of completely diminishing the frequencies depleted in LFEs and VLFEs. Therefore, LFEs and VLFEs may not necessarily record slow fault slip, but possibly the presence of high fluid pressure.
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    Using Dark Fiber and Distributed Acoustic Sensing to Characterize a Geothermal System in the Imperial Valley, Southern California
    (Wiley, 2023) Cheng, Feng; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan B.; Nayak, Avinash; Tribaldos, Veronica Rodriguez; Mellors, Robert; Dobson, Patrick; Team, the Imperial Valley Dark Fiber
    The Imperial Valley, CA, is a tectonically active transtensional basin located south of the Salton Sea; the area hosts numerous geothermal fields, including significant hidden hydrothermal resources without surface manifestations. Development of inexpensive, rugged, and highly sensitive exploration techniques for undiscovered geothermal systems is critical for accelerating geothermal power deployment as well as unlocking a low-carbon energy future. We present a case study utilizing distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and ambient noise interferometry for geothermal reservoir imaging, utilizing unlit fiber-optic telecommunication infrastructure (dark fiber). The study exploits two days of passive DAS data acquired in early November 2020 over a ∼28-km section of fiber from Calipatria, CA to Imperial, CA. We apply ambient noise interferometry to retrieve coherent signals from DAS records and develop a bin stacking technique to attenuate the effects from persistent localized noise sources and to enhance retrieval of coherent surface waves. As a result, we are able to obtain high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) S wave velocity (Vs) structure to 3 km depth, based on joint inversion of both the fundamental and higher overtones. We observe a previously unmapped high Vs and low Vp/Vs ratio feature beneath the Brawley geothermal system, which we interpret to be a zone of hydrothermal mineralization and lower porosity. This interpretation is consistent with a host of other measurements including surface heat flow, gravity anomalies, and available borehole wireline data. These results demonstrate the potential utility of DAS deployed on dark fiber for geothermal system exploration and characterization in the appropriate geological settings.
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    Widespread phosphorous excess in olivine, rapid crystal growth, and implications for magma dynamics
    (Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2022) Lee, Cin-Ty; Sun, Chenguang; Sharton-Bierig, Eytan; Phelps, Patrick; Borchardt, Jackson; Liu, Boda; Costin, Gelu; Johnston, A. Dana
    Trace element zoning is often used to unravel the crystallization history of phenocrysts in magmatic systems, but interpretation requires quantifying the relative importance of equilibrium versus disequilibrium. Published partition coefficients for phosphorous (P) in olivine vary by more than a factor of ten. After considering kinetic effects, a new equilibrium partition coefficient was extrapolated from a re-examination of natural and experimental systems, indicating that P partition coefficients in olivine are significantly over-estimated. These new partitioning constraints allow us to establish a theoretical P Equilibrium Fractionation Array (PEFA) for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs), revealing that most olivines from MORBs have excess P (2–15 times PEFA) and are thus in disequilibrium. Using an independent case study of natural dendritic olivines, we show that such P enrichments can be explained by diffusion-limited incorporation of P during rapid crystal growth. If growth rate can be related to cooling, the rapid growth rates of olivines have implications for magma system dynamics, such as the size of magma bodies or where crystallization occurs within the body.
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    Understanding Subsurface Fracture Evolution Dynamics Using Time-Lapse Full Waveform Inversion of Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring Data
    (Wiley, 2023) Liu, Xuejian; Zhu, Tieyuan; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan
    Predicting the behavior, geometry, and flow properties of subsurface fractures remains a challenging problem. Seismic models that can characterize fractures usually suffer from low spatiotemporal resolution. Here, we develop a correlative double-difference time-lapse full waveform inversion of continuous active source seismic monitoring data for determining high-spatiotemporal-resolution time-lapse Vp models of in-situ fracture evolution at a shallow contamination site in Wyoming, USA. Assisted by rock physics modeling, we find that (a) rapidly increasing pore pressure initializes and grows the fracture, increasing the porosity slightly (from ∼13.7% to ∼14.6%) in the tight clay formation, thus decreasing Vp (∼50 m/s); (b) the fluid injection continues decreasing Vp, likely through the introduction of gas bubbles in the injectate; and (c) final Vp reductions reach over ∼150 m/s due to a posited ∼4.5% gas saturation. Our results demonstrate that high-resolution Vp changes are indicative of mechanical and fluid changes within the fracture zone during hydrofracturing.
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    Compactive deformation of incoming calcareous pelagic sediments, northern Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand: Implications for subduction processes
    (Elsevier, 2023) Wang, Maomao; Barnes, Philip M.; Morgan, Julia K.; Bell, Rebecca E.; Moore, Gregory F.; Wang, Ming; Fagereng, Ake; Savage, Heather; Gamboa, Davide; Harris, Robert N.; Henrys, Stuart; Mountjoy, Joshu; Tréhu, Anne M.; Saffer, Demian; Wallace, Laura; Petronotis, Katerina
    Calcareous rocks are commonly found in subduction zones, but few studies have investigated the consolidation and compactive deformation of these rocks prior to subduction, and their potential effects on subduction and accretionary processes are thus poorly understood. Using drilling data obtained during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expeditions 372 and 375 combined with 2D and 3D seismic reflection data, the structure, growth history, and slip rates of normal faults identified in the incoming pelagic sedimentary sequences of the Hikurangi Margin were investigated. A seismic coherence depth slice and vertical profiles show that these faults exhibit polygonal structure that has rarely been documented at subduction margins. The polygonal faults are closely spaced and layer-bound within sequences dominated by pelagic carbonate and calcareous mudstone of Paleocene-Pliocene age. Kinematic modeling and 2D displacement analysis reveal that fault throws decrease toward the upper and lower tipline. In detail, two groups of throw profiles are defined by locations of displacement maxima, possibly reflecting lateral variations in physical properties. The polygonal fault system (PFS) likely formed by syneresis processes that involve diagenetically induced shear failure and volumetric contraction of the pelagic unit associated with fluid escape. Fault growth sequences reveal multiple, weakly correlated intervals of contemporaneous seafloor deformation and sedimentation and allow estimates of fault slip rates. We find evidence for a significant increase in typical slip rates from 0.5-3 m/Ma during pelagic sedimentation to >20 m/Ma following the onset of terrigenous sedimentation. These observations suggest that rapid loading of the pelagic sediments by the trench-wedge facies was associated with renewed and faster growth of the PFS. The PFS will eventually be transported into the base of the accretionary wedge, enhancing geometric roughness and heterogeneity of materials along the megathrust, and providing inherited zones of weakness. Selective fault reactivation may facilitate deformation and episodic vertical fluid migration in the lower wedge associated with microearthquakes, tremor, and slow slip events.
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    Viscous relaxation as a probe of heat flux and crustal plateau composition on Venus
    (PNAS, 2023) Nimmo, Francis; Mackwell, Stephen
    It has recently been suggested that deformed crustal plateaus on Venus may be composed of felsic (silica-rich) rocks, possibly supporting the idea of an ancient ocean there. However, these plateaus have a tendency to collapse owing to flow of the viscous lower crust. Felsic minerals, especially water-bearing ones, are much weaker and thus lead to more rapid collapse, than more mafic minerals. We model plateau topographic evolution using a non-Newtonian viscous relaxation code. Despite uncertainties in the likely crustal thickness and surface heat flux, we find that quartz-dominated rheologies relax too rapidly to be plausible plateau-forming material. For plateaus dominated by a dry anorthite rheology, survival is possible only if the background crustal thickness is less than 29 km, unless the heat flux on Venus is less than the radiogenic lower bound of 34 mW m −2 mW m − 2 . Future spacecraft determinations of plateau crustal thickness and mineralogy will place firmer constraints on Venus’s heat flux.
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    Reconstructing Holocene temperatures in time and space using paleoclimate data assimilation
    (Copernicus Publications, 2022) Erb, Michael P.; McKay, Nicholas P.; Steiger, Nathan; Dee, Sylvia; Hancock, Chris; Ivanovic, Ruza F.; Gregoire, Lauren J.; Valdes, Paul
    Paleoclimatic records provide valuable information about Holocene climate, revealing aspects of climate variability for a multitude of sites around the world. However, such data also possess limitations. Proxy networks are spatially uneven, seasonally biased, uncertain in time, and present a variety of challenges when used in concert to illustrate the complex variations of past climate. Paleoclimatic data assimilation provides one approach to reconstructing past climate that can account for the diverse nature of proxy records while maintaining the physics-based covariance structures simulated by climate models. Here, we use paleoclimate data assimilation to create a spatially complete reconstruction of temperature over the past 12 000 years using proxy data from the Temperature 12k database and output from transient climate model simulations. Following the last glacial period, the reconstruction shows Holocene temperatures warming to a peak near 6400 years ago followed by a slow cooling toward the present day, supporting a mid-Holocene which is at least as warm as the preindustrial. Sensitivity tests show that if proxies have an overlooked summer bias, some apparent mid-Holocene warmth could actually represent summer trends rather than annual mean trends. Regardless, the potential effects of proxy seasonal biases are insufficient to align the reconstructed global mean temperature with the warming trends seen in transient model simulations.
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    Tropospheric Ozone During the Last Interglacial
    (Wiley, 2022) Yan, Yuzhen; Banerjee, Asmita; Murray, Lee T.; Tie, Xin; Yeung, Laurence Y.
    The history of tropospheric O3, an important atmospheric oxidant, is poorly constrained because of uncertainties in its historical budget and a dearth of independent records. Here, we estimate the mean tropospheric O3 burden during the Last Interglacial period (LIG; 115 to 130 thousand years ago) using a record of the clumped isotopic composition of O2 (i.e., Δ36 values) preserved in Antarctic ice. The measured LIG Δ36 value is 0.03 ± 0.02‰ (95% CI) higher than the late pre-industrial Holocene (PI; 1,590–1,850 CE) value and corresponds to a modeled 9% reduction in LIG tropospheric O3 burden (95% CI: 3%–15%), caused in part by a substantial reduction in biomass burning emissions during the LIG relative to the PI. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that late-Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions caused woody and grassy fuels to accumulate on land, leading to enhanced biomass burning in the preindustrial Holocene.