Cite 101, Winter 2018

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Table of Contents

— Cite 101 Introduction
by Ernesto Alfaro and Marie Rodriguez (PDF)

— 2018 RDA Gala: Public (PDF)

— Member Profile: Larry Whaley
by Dan Singer (PDF)

— Sharpstown Strip
by Sheila Mednick (PDF)

— Third Ward Quilt
by Nicola Springer and Jamar Simien (PDF)

— Housing and the Gilded Muzzle
by Marie Rodriguez (PDF)

— An Interview with Dozie Kanu
by Lawrence Dillon (PDF)

— Finca Tres Robles: Urban Educational Agriculture
by Daniel Thomas and Mark Garcia-Prats (PDF)

— Critical Placemaking: Stephen Fox's Favourite Places in Houston
by Stephen Fox (PDF)

— The Parking Lot Becomes a Spectacle
by Ernesto Alfaro and Tom Flaherty (PDF)

— Reading Houston's Names New and Old
by John Pluecker (PDF)

— Bill's Junk: A Study In Living with Art
by Bill Davenport (PDF)

— Pyburn's Farm Fresh Foods: Place and Grocery Shopping in Houston
by Todd Romero (PDF)

— What's Love Got to Do With It?
by Lynne McCabe (PDF)

— A Terroir of Concrete and Strip Malls?
by David Leftwich (PDF)


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