Hybrid sponges

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The ground in Houston is characterized by its low permeability rate. This condition, combined with the standard manner of building construction, is pushing the drainage system to the limits, increasing the possibility of having, more often, urban flooding. The project proposes a complementary tower system that helps to control urban floods. These towers will act as "hybrid sponges", an extended mechanism of the bayou that is going to attract water with artificial elements complementing natural systems. On the other hand they are going to create new events within a community that will be the platform for new alternatives of development; like new houses that will allow families to exchange their houses that are into the flood plain, creating a new social-urban phenomenon that will start as a extended mechanism of the bayou, but immediate after it is going to be extend to the community for the provision of totally desirable alternatives.

Master of Architecture
Landscape architecture, Civil engineering, Architecture, Urban planning, Regional planning

Murillo, Victor Manuel. "Hybrid sponges." (2003) Master’s Thesis, Rice University. https://hdl.handle.net/1911/17638.

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