Phases in Ultracold Interacting Rydberg Atom Systems With The Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model Engineered On A Synthetic Dimension

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Rice University

Synthetic dimensions encoded into atomic states have emerged as a powerful tool for engineering new phases of matter. These synthetic dimensions are helpful in accessing confgurations that are difcult or impossible to simulate using real space alone. Using Rydberg states to encode these synthetic dimensions allows a high level of control over system parameters. Here we use a mean-feld theory approach to investigate phases of matter that occur in Rydberg atoms with attractive interaction in real space with the synthetic dimension encoded such that it emulates a Su-Schriefer-Heeger (SSH) model lattice. We fnd that this model displays both two and three-site quantum strings in the ground state that demonstrate substantial crossover with larger strings and two-site string phases, respectively.

Senior Thesis
Physics, Synthetic Dimensions, Rydberg Atoms, Mean Field Theory, AMO, Condensed Matter, Ultracold

Dyall, Charles. "Phases in Ultracold Interacting Rydberg Atom Systems With The Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model Engineered On A Synthetic Dimension." Undergraduate thesis, Rice University, 2023.

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