A Chemical Compositional Reservoir Simulator on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers: Comparative Parallel-UTCHEM Simulation Performance Study (Part I)

dc.contributor.authorRame, M.
dc.contributor.authorDelshad, M.
dc.date.noteNovember 1994
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the application of distributed memory parallel computers to field scale reservoir simulations using a parallel version of UTCHEM, The University of Texas Chemical Flooding Simulator. The model is a general purpose highly vectorized chemical compositional simulator that can simulate a wide range of displacement processes at both field and laboratory scales. The original simulator was modified to run on both distributed memory parallel machines (Intel iPSC/860 and Delta, Connection Machine 5, Kendall Square 1 and 2, and CRAY T3D) and a cluster of workstations. A domain decomposition approach has been taken towards parallelization of the code. A portion of the discrete reservoir model is assigned to each processor by a set-up routine that attempts a data layout as even as possible from the load-balance standpoint. Each of these subdomains is extended so that data can be shared between adjacent processors for stencil computation. The added routines that make parallel execution possible are written in a modular fashion that makes the porting to new parallel platforms straight forward. Results of the distributed memory computing performance of Parallel simulator are presented for field scale applications such as tracer flood and polymer flood. A comparison of the wall-clock times for same problems on a vector supercomputer is also presented.
dc.format.extent27 pp
dc.identifier.citationRame, M. and Delshad, M.. "A Chemical Compositional Reservoir Simulator on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers: Comparative Parallel-UTCHEM Simulation Performance Study (Part I)." (1994) <a href="https://hdl.handle.net/1911/101847">https://hdl.handle.net/1911/101847</a>.
dc.titleA Chemical Compositional Reservoir Simulator on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers: Comparative Parallel-UTCHEM Simulation Performance Study (Part I)
dc.typeTechnical report
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