Cooperative Partial Detection for MIMO Relay Networks

dc.contributor.advisorCavallaro, Joseph R.en_US
dc.creatorAmiri, Kiarashen_US
dc.description.abstractCooperative communication has recently re-emerged as a possible paradigm shift to realize the promises of the ever increasing wireless communication market; however, there have been few, if any, studies to translate theoretical results into feasible schemes with their particular practical challenges. The multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) technique is another method that has been recently employed in different standards and protocols, often as an optional scenario, to further improve the reliability and data rate of different wireless communication applications. In this work, we look into possible methods and algorithms for combining these two techniques to take advantage of the benefits of both. In this thesis, we will consider methods that consider the limitations of practical solutions, which, to the best of our knowledge, are the first time to be considered in this context. We will present complexity reduction techniques for MIMO systems in cooperative systems. Furthermore, we will present architectures for flexible and iii configurable MIMO detectors. These architectures could support a range of data rates, modulation orders and numbers of antennas, and therefore, are crucial in the different nodes of cooperative systems. The breadth-first search employed in our realization presents a large opportunity to exploit the parallelism of the FPGA in order to achieve high data rates. Algorithmic modifications to address potential sequential bottlenecks in the traditional bread-first search-based SD are highlighted in the thesis. We will present a novel Cooperative Partial Detection (CPD) approach in MIMO relay channels, where instead of applying the conventional full detection in the relay, the relay performs a partial detection and forwards the detected parts of the message to the destination. We will demonstrate how this approach leads to controlling the complexity in the relay and helping it choose how much it is willing to cooperate based on its available resources. We will discuss the complexity implications of this method, and more importantly, present hardware verification and over-the-air experimentation of CPD using the Wireless Open-access Research Platform (WARP)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNSF grants EIA-0321266, CCF-0541363, CNS-0551692, CNS-0619767, EECS-0925942, and CNS-0923479, Nokia, Xilinx, Nokia Siemens Networks, Texas Instruments, and Azimuth Systems.en_US
dc.format.extent155 ppen_US
dc.identifier.callnoTHESIS E.E. 2011 AMIRIen_US
dc.identifier.citationAmiri, Kiarash. "Cooperative Partial Detection for MIMO Relay Networks." (2011) Diss., Rice University. <a href=""></a>.en_US
dc.rightsCopyright is held by the author, unless otherwise indicated. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the work beyond the bounds of fair use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder.en_US
dc.subjectElectrical Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectComputer engineeringen_US
dc.titleCooperative Partial Detection for MIMO Relay Networksen_US
dc.type.materialTexten_US Engineeringen_US Universityen_US of Philosophyen_US
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