The Search For FFLO in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Ultracold Fermi Gas
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The Fulde-Ferrell Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) type superconductor is an exotic form of matter known as a supersolid because it simultaneously supports superfluid and magnetic order. In both condensed matter and ultracold atomic gases, this phase has yet to be conclusively observed despite long interest in both theory and experiment. In one-dimension (1D), unlike expectations for higher dimensions, the FFLO phase is found in a large region of the phase diagram [1]. The effect of quantum and thermal fluctuations, however, are expected to be reduced in higher dimensions. These considerations motivated the proposal to search for FFLO near the 1D-3D dimensional crossover [2], which we have identified and characterized [3]. We confine a spin-imbalanced Fermi gas of lithium 6 to an array of 1D tubes using a 2D optical lattice. We bring the system into the dimensional crossover by increasing the inter-tube tunneling rate and using a Feshbach resonance to tune interactions. The periodicity of these domain walls, which depends on the magnitude of the polarization, is a definitive signature of the FFLO phase. In this work, we develop new experimental and analytical methods to extract periodic signals that, if they indeed are domain walls, lay the foundation for full confirmation of the FFLO phase.
[1] Y. A. Liao, A. S. C. Rittner, T. Paprotta, W. Li, G. B. Partridge, R. G. Hulet, S. K. Baur, and E. J. Mueller, “Spin-imbalance in a one-dimensional Fermi gas,” Nature 467, 567 (2010).
[2] M. M. Parish, S. K. Baur, E. J. Mueller, and D. A. Huse, “Quasi-One- Dimensional Polarized Fermi Superfluids,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 250403 (2007).
[3] M. C. Revelle, J. A. Fry, B. A. Olsen, and R. G. Hulet, “1D to 3D Crossover of a Spin-Imbalanced Fermi Gas,” Physical Review Letters 117 (2016).
Fry, Jacob Alexander. "The Search For FFLO in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Ultracold Fermi Gas." (2022) Diss., Rice University.