Drugs By The Numbers: The Brian C. Bennett Drug Charts

dc.contributor.authorMartin, William
dc.contributor.authorNeill, Katharine A.
dc.contributor.orgJames A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
dc.descriptionSince the early 1970s, national surveys have been conducted annually to examine the extent of drug use in America. Yet while the information is available to anyone with a computer, few people appear to know the size or actual contours of drug use in this country, and the data play only a small role in public policy, mass media presentations and popular perception. Using charts, figures and graphs of this survey data originally created by former career intelligence analyst and current Baker Institute contributing expert Brian C. Bennett and updated by the Drug Policy Program, this issue brief offers an overview of drug use trends in America over the last four decades. The brief is part of a larger Drug Policy Program project chronicling the pattern of the use and abuse of individual drugs over (in most cases) more than 40 years. For the full research project, please visit http://bakerinstitute.org/bennett-charts/.
dc.identifier.citationMartin, William and Neill, Katharine A.. "Drugs By The Numbers: The Brian C. Bennett Drug Charts." <i>Issue Brief,</i> no. 08.01.16 (2016) James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy: <a href="http://www.bakerinstitute.org/research/drugs-by-numbers/">http://www.bakerinstitute.org/research/drugs-by-numbers/</a>.
dc.publisherJames A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
dc.titleDrugs By The Numbers: The Brian C. Bennett Drug Charts
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