News from the RPLP
WORKING FOR RACIAL JUSTICE - RPLP fellows, including postdoc Rachel Schneider, published an op ed in Religion News Service entitled "How White Churches Can Work for Racial Justice." The op ed was published online last Friday, on Juneteenth.
NEW WEBSITE IS LIVE - If you haven't yet, check out the new look and structure of our website at When looking at the page of an individual publication, study, event, or fellow, make sure to scroll down and click the tabs at the bottom to see all related content. 
WHY SOCIOLOGISTS OF RELIGION ARE NEEDED RIGHT NOW - The RPLP director reflects on why sociologists of religion are needed to study the COVID-19 response in an opinion piece for ASA Footnotes, a publication of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Read her piece on page 38 of the special COVID-focused issue. 
FEATURED IN LOCAL PAPER - Two RPLP fellows, Rachel Schneider and Cleve V. Tinsley IV, were interviewed for a Houston Chronicle article about the changing role of faith communities amid current social unrest. The article, which appeared on the front page of the June 8 print edition, is also online.  
ALUMNI UPDATE - Neethi Nayak worked as an RPLP undergraduate student fellow for two years before graduating from Rice in 2017 with a B.A. in sociology and public policy. Neethi has worked as a consultant at Accenture for the past several years, and now we are pleased to share that this fall she will start the joint MPP/MBA program at the University of Chicago as a Forte Fellow. We are proud of you, Neethi!
RELIGIOUS RESPONSE TO UPRISINGS FOR BLACK LIVES - In a blog post for The Berkley Forum, RPLP visiting postdoctoral research fellow Cleve V. Tinsley IV responds to, in his words, the "disturbing and ritual character to the management of Blackness and black bodies in America," as signified by the murder of George Floyd earlier this summer. Read Cleve's post online here.  
FIRST ARTICLE FROM STUDY PUBLISHED - Understanding how people integrate work with faith and church community is the core purpose of the "Faith at Work" study. As the interview phase of the study comes to a close, our team is excited to announce that the first article from the study has been accepted for publication in the journal Religions. In this new article, authors use survey data to explore how Americans see their work as a spiritual calling and/or experience work conflict because of their religious faith.
FORD FOUNDATION AWARDS FELLOWSHIP - Esmeralda Sanchez Salazar, RPLP graduate student fellow, received a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. This award will support Esmeralda's dissertation research on religion and educational attainment. Way to go, Esmeralda!  
FELLOW RECEIVES GRANT - Rice University's Social Sciences Research Institute (SSRI) has awarded RPLP graduate student fellow Dan Bolger with a Dissertation Research Improvement Grant. His dissertation is entitled "Spatial and Cultural Barriers to Social Service Access in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods." Congratulations, Dan!
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Religion and Public Life Program
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