News from the RPLP
RPLP postdoctoral fellow Oneya Okuwobi will be starting a job as an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Cincinnati. Her position will begin in fall 2022.
RPLP postdoctoral fellow Jacqui Frost will begin her new position next fall as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Purdue University.
RPLP graduate student fellow Jauhara Ferguson (right) received her MA degree at Rice's convocation ceremony this past December. 
RPLP graduate student fellow Brenton Kalinowski successfully defended his masters thesis on December 8, 2021. His thesis is entitled "Religious Leaders in Houston Navigate COVID-19: A Case of Exogenous Shock and Institutional Isomorphism."
Recent RPLP undergraduate student fellow Alex Nuyda successfully defended her senior honors thesis in the Department of Sociology this December in addition to graduating with her B.A. from Rice. That same month she also started a new job at Represented Collective, a media company in Houston. 
RPLP postdoctoral fellow Rachel Schneider and RPLP director Elaine Howard Ecklund are teaching a new course in the Department of Sociology this semester called "Religion, Gender, and Inequality." 
RPLP director Elaine Howard Ecklund and fellow sociologist John H. Evans co-lead the Network for the Sociological Study of Science and Religion, and this month they launched a new website for the network. View the new website here, and follow the Network on Twitter: @network4sssr
PATTERNS OF PERCEIVED HOSTILITY - Findings from this study have implications for how researchers understand the context-specific nature of religious discrimination, as well as implications for research on stigma management and the ways that the shifting religious and political landscape in the US shapes the expression of atheist identities.
A PILOT ASSESSMENT - RPLP fellows Jauhara Ferguson and Elaine Howard Ecklund have published "A Pilot Assessment of How Muslim Scientists Perceive Inclusion in the Scientific Workplace" in the journal Sociology of Islam. The abstract is available to read online
SCIENCE-RELIGION BOUNDARIES IN INDIAN SCIENTIFIC WORKPLACES - In this article, RPLP fellows draw on data from the Religion among Scientists in International Context (RASIC) project. You can learn more about the original project here and read the article here.
HOW RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION IS PERCEIVED IN THE WORKPLACE - The RPLP's research looking at faith in the workplace is generating interesting findings with relevant implications for both managers and employees in the workplace. In this study, which aims to "expand the view," authors find that Christians tend to link perceived discrimination to personal piety or taking a moral stand in the workplace, while Muslims, Jews, and nonreligious people tend to link discrimination to group-based stereotypes and describe a sense of being seen as religiously foreign or other.
RACE, RELIGION, AND THE LIMITS OF PASTORAL MENTAL HEALTH CARE - RPLP graduate student fellow Dan Bolger and non-resident research fellow Pamela Prickett have published an article in the journal Religions. They draw on interviews with pastors and congregants from Black and Latino churches in Houston, Texas to examine how church members make decisions about where to seek mental health care or direct others for help. 
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