Cannady, William2011-10-102011-10-102007Cannady, William. "The things they've done : a book about the careers of selected graduates of the Rice University School of Architecture." (2007) <a href=""></a>. fold-out coversengRights to this material belong to Rice University. This digital version is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.Permission to examine physical and digital collection items does not imply permission for publication. Fondren Library’s Woodson Research Center / Special Collections has made these materials available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Any uses beyond the spirit of Fair Use require permission from owners of rights, heir(s) or assigns. See StatesRice University. School of Architecture--Alumni and alumnaeThe things they've done : a book about the careers of selected graduates of the Rice University School of ArchitectureBookNA11 .A7 no. 43thingstheyvedone43cannArchitecture at Rice University Series, Volume 43