2011-03-252011-03-259-1-00 23:2003https://hdl.handle.net/1911/58409This image contains 1 people; 1 female(s); 1 Asian; The origin of the image is Domestic. Watermark Unknown.PhotoengPeopleFemaleAsianDomesticBeijing Top Result Metro, Beijing Top Result MetroTopResultMetroads03bTopResultMetroads03b我们就是说“媒”的,这里的媒介之事,尽管找我; [We are ""matchmaker"", feel free to contact me for any media issues. Designer: Beijing Lida Image and Pictures Technology Group. Inquiry line: 82089967. Beijing Top Result Metro]AdvertisingCorporate Consulting and AdvertisingBeijing Top Result Metronewspapers [报纸]