Fisler, KathiVardi, Moshe Y.2017-08-022017-08-021998-10-27Fisler, Kathi and Vardi, Moshe Y.. "Bisimulation Minimization in an Automata-Theoretic Verification Framework." (1998) is a seemingly attractive state-space minimization technique because it can be computed automatically and yields the smallest model preserving all mu -calculus formulas. It is considered impractical for symbolic model checking, however, because the required BDDs are prohibitively large for most designs. We revisit bisimulation minimization, this time in an automata-theoretic framework. Bisimulation has potential in this framework because after intersecting the design with the negation of the property, minimization can ignore most of the atomic propositions. We compute bisimulation using an algorithm due to Lee and Yannakakis that represents bisimulation relations by their equivalence classes and only explores reachable classes. This greatly improves on the time and memory usage of naive algorithms. We demonstrate that bisimulation is practical for many designs within the automata-theoretic framework. In most cases, however, the cost of performing this reduction still outweighs that of conventional model checking.17 ppengYou are granted permission for the noncommercial reproduction, distribution, display, and performance of this technical report in any format, but this permission is only for a period of forty-five (45) days from the most recent time that you verified that this technical report is still available from the Computer Science Department of Rice University under terms that include this permission. All other rights are reserved by the author(s).Bisimulation Minimization in an Automata-Theoretic Verification FrameworkTechnical reportTR98-328