Bass, JeremyMcPheeters, ClaiborneFinnigan, JamesRodriguez, Edward2022-05-032022-05-032005-09-12Bass, Jeremy, McPheeters, Claiborne, Finnigan, James, et al.. "Array Signal Processing." (2005) Rice University: <a href=""></a>. is our ELEC 301 Project for the Fall 2004 semester. We implemented a uniform linear array of six microphones. We then sampled the data and analyzed it in LabVIEW in order to to listen in one direction. We also explored listening for a particular frequency and its direction.58 ppengThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY 2.0)Science and TechnologyArray Signal Processingarraybeamformerbeamformingmicrophone arraysprocessing|signalULAuniform linear arraycol10255-FINALInstructional and educational works