Li, XinKolomeisky, Anatoly B.Valleriani, Angelo2017-05-242017-05-242014Li, Xin, Kolomeisky, Anatoly B. and Valleriani, Angelo. "Pathway structure determination in complex stochastic networks with non-exponential dwell times." <i>The Journal of Chemical Physics,</i> 140, no. 18 (2014) AIP Publishing:ᅠof complexᅠnetworksᅠhas been widely used as a powerful tool for investigating various physical, chemical, and biological processes. To understand the emergentᅠpropertiesᅠof these complex systems, one of the most basic issues is to determine the structure andᅠtopologyᅠof the underlyingᅠnetworks.ᅠRecently, a newᅠtheoreticalᅠapproach based on first-passageᅠanalysisᅠhas been developed for investigating the relationship between structure and dynamicᅠpropertiesᅠforᅠnetworkᅠsystems with exponential dwell time distributions. However, many real phenomena involve transitions with non-exponential waiting times. We extend the first-passage method to uncover the structure of distinct pathways in complexᅠnetworksᅠwith non-exponential dwell time distributions. It is found that theᅠanalysisᅠof early time dynamics provides explicit information on the length of the pathways associated to their dynamicᅠproperties.ᅠIt reveals a universal relationship that we have condensed in one general equation, which relates the number of intermediate states on the shortest path to the early time behavior of the first-passage distributions. Ourᅠtheoreticalᅠpredictions are confirmed by extensiveᅠMonte Carlo simulations.engArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.Pathway structure determination in complex stochastic networks with non-exponential dwell timesJournal article