Castro, YesseniaFernández, Maria E.Strong, Larkin L.Stewart, Diana W.Krasny, SarahRobles, Eden HernandezHeredia, NataliaSpears, Claire A.Correa-Fernández, VirmarieEakin, ElizabethResnicow, KenBasen-Engquist, KarenWetter, David W.2017-05-302017-05-302015Castro, Yessenia, Fernández, Maria E., Strong, Larkin L., et al.. "Adaptation of a Counseling Intervention to Address Multiple Cancer Risk Factors Among Overweight/Obese Latino Smokers." <i>Health Education & Behavior,</i> 42, no. 1 (2015) Sage: 65-72. than 60% of cancer-related deaths in the United States are attributable to tobacco use, poor nutrition, and physical inactivity, and these risk factors tend to cluster together. Thus, strategies for cancer risk reduction would benefit from addressing multiple health risk behaviors. We adapted an evidence-based intervention grounded in social cognitive theory and principles of motivational interviewing originally developed for smoking cessation to also address physical activity and fruit/vegetable consumption among Latinos exhibiting multiple health risk behaviors. Literature reviews, focus groups, expert consultation, pretesting, and pilot testing were used to inform adaptation decisions. We identified common mechanisms underlying change in smoking, physical activity, and diet used as treatment targets; identified practical models of patient-centered cross-cultural service provision; and identified that family preferences and support as particularly strong concerns among the priority population. Adaptations made to the original intervention are described. The current study is a practical example of how an intervention can be adapted to maximize relevance and acceptability and also maintain the core elements of the original evidence-based intervention. The intervention has significant potential to influence cancer prevention efforts among Latinos in the United States and is being evaluated in a sample of 400 Latino overweight/obese smokers.engThis is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by Sage.Adaptation of a Counseling Intervention to Address Multiple Cancer Risk Factors Among Overweight/Obese Latino SmokersJournal articleLatinosadaptationhealth risk behaviorintervention