Stebbings, Ronald F.2018-12-182018-12-181975West, William Philip. "Chemiionization reactions involving rare gas metastable atoms." (1975) Master’s Thesis, Rice University. <a href=""></a>. of the branching ratios for chemiionization of Ar, Kr, Xe, N2, CO^2, NO, CO, H2, C2, and N2 in collisions with rare gas metastable atoms are described. In addition measurements of absolute total ionization cross sections are discussed. A detailed analysis of the experimental procedure and the possible sources of error are given. The results are compared with previous experimental work. For the particular case of He(2^1S, 2^3S)-^2 collisions, a qualitative description of the processes involved which fits the observations is presented.79 ppengCopyright is held by the author, unless otherwise indicated. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the work beyond the bounds of fair use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder.Chemiionization reactions involving rare gas metastable atomsThesisRICE1802reformatted digitalThesis Phys. 1975 West