Howison, WilliamLamontagne, ChrisLuna, BryceNewell,David2022-05-032022-05-032005-12-14Howison, William, Lamontagne, Chris, Luna, Bryce, et al.. "Naive Room Response Deconvolution." (2005) Rice University: <a href=""></a>. 301 project by William Howison, Chris Lamontagne, Bryce Luna, and David Newell. Given the output of a system and the system characteristics we can determine the input. We will determine the system characteristics of two rooms by playing an (approximate) impulse and recording the impulse response, and then we will play music into the same rooms and record the output. Using MATLAB we will deconvolve the output with the system response to determine a rough approximation of the input.18 ppengThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY 2.0)Science and TechnologyNaive Room Response Deconvolutiondeconvolutionimpulseimpulse responseroom responsecol10318-FINALInstructional and educational works