2011-03-252011-03-254-9-99 17:2000https://hdl.handle.net/1911/41172The origin of the image is Domestic. Watermark Unknown.DomesticShanghai Metro,shanghaimetrosafetya00sshanghaimetrosafetya00s乘梯须知;一、为了保证安全,老幼病残孕及不适应乘坐扶梯者不得单独乘自动扶梯,如需登乘须有人陪同。二、乘客登乘自动扶梯,要手扶黑色扶手,身体不得依靠电梯侧壁,以免摔倒发生危险。三、凡携带重物、大件行李及容易损坏设备的物品不得登乘自动扶梯;四、凡违反以上规定者,后果自负; [Rules of Taking Escalators: 1) For safety reason, elders, children, the sick, the handicapped, the pregnant could not take escalator alone. 2) To avoid the risk and danger, passengers must hold the escalator and not lean on the escalator's walls. 3) The e]Metro ServicesPublic Service AdsShanghai Metronewspapers [报纸]