Sanders, Paula2021-08-202021-08-202021-05Lin, Amy. "Orgullo Crítico: An Anti-Capitalist Approach To Pride In Spain And The United States." Honors undergraduate thesis, Rice University, 2021. senior thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Arts DegreeEvery June, many people around the world come together to celebrate queer identities at various state-sponsored Pride events. However, given the infiltration of rainbow capitalism in mainstream Pride movements, many radical leftists within the queer community have begun to organize anti-capitalist "Critical Pride" protests. In this thesis, I trace the emergence of mainstream Pride celebrations in Spain and the United States and their role in the creation of Critical Pride movements, and I explore how academic queer theory, specifically queer Marxist theory, relates to this form of real-life praxis.40 ppengThe copyright holder for this material has granted Rice University permission to share this material online. All rights held by author.Queer MarxismCritical theoryCritical PrideAnti-capitalismOrgullo Crítico: An Anti-Capitalist Approach To Pride In Spain And The United StatesThesis