Fang, LichengDamanik, DavidGuo, Shuzheng2020-10-152020-10-152020Fang, Licheng, Damanik, David and Guo, Shuzheng. "Generic spectral results for CMV matrices with dynamically defined Verblunsky coefficients." <i>Journal of Functional Analysis,</i> 279, no. 12 (2020) Elsevier: consider CMV matrices with dynamically defined Verblunsky coefficients. These coefficients are obtained by continuous sampling along the orbits of an ergodic transformation. We investigate whether certain spectral phenomena are generic in the sense that for a fixed base transformation, the set of continuous sampling functions for which the spectral phenomenon occurs is residual. Among the phenomena we discuss are the absence of absolutely continuous spectrum and the vanishing of the Lebesgue measure of the spectrum.engThis is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by Elsevier.Generic spectral results for CMV matrices with dynamically defined Verblunsky coefficientsJournal articleCMV matricesErgodic Verblunsky coefficientsKotani theory