Sherman, Stephen AverillRhodes, AnnaNjeh, JoyBanerjee, DebolinaKim, Andrew2024-09-252024-09-252024Sherman, S. A., Rhodes, A., Njeh, J., Banerjee, D., & Kim, A. (2024). Neighborhood Opportunity Mapping. Rice University Kinder Institute for Urban Research. December 2023, the Houston Housing Authority (HHA) received a $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to fund a household mobility program that would expand the number of affordable housing options for people who rely on housing choice vouchers. Specifically, the grant aims to move voucher families to “opportunity neighborhoods” or “opportunity areas,” which have high-performing schools, low crime rates, access to jobs, and other characteristics that promote the broader goal of upward mobility for low-income residents. Kinder Institute for Urban Research staff assisted in data collection and analysis, measuring key indicators on poverty, education, crime, jobs, and transportation to identify high-opportunity areas within HHA’s jurisdiction.engCopyright ©2024 by Rice University Kinder Institute for Urban Research. All rights reserved.Neighborhood Opportunity MappingReport