Frantz, PatrickGanier, C.J.Welsh, Erikvalenzuela, adrian2022-05-032022-05-032007-07-07Frantz, Patrick, Ganier, C.J., Welsh, Erik, et al.. "Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Laboratory." (2007) Rice University: <a href=""></a>. introduction to microcontroller-based embedded systems development. Includes structured laboratory exercises in the following areas: assembly programming, C language programming, peripheral interfacing, interrupt management, structured programming, task scheduling, simple digital signal processing (DSP), and other related topics. This course assumes no prerequisites and is primarily intended for first and second year engineering students.91 ppengThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (BY 1.0)Science and TechnologyMicrocontroller and Embedded Systems Laboratoryelec226EmbeddedMicrocontrollermsp430col10215-FINALInstructional and educational works