2011-03-252011-03-254-9-99 17:2000https://hdl.handle.net/1911/41570This image contains 100 people; 50 male(s); 50 female(s); 100 Asian; The origin of the image is Domestic. Watermark Unknown.PhotoPeopleMaleFemaleAsianDomesticCommerce Department of Economic Ministry,economicminstervendora00geconomicminstervendora00g经济部,商业司;美丽新都市,摊贩新秩序;我们正在写历史!你呢! [Beautiful new urban district, new order for street vendors and shops. We are writing the history now. What about you?]Government ServicesPublic Service AdsCommerce Department of Economic Ministrynewspapers [报纸]