Pu, LibeiDoshi, KshitijGiles, EllisVarman, Peter2015-10-012015-10-012015Pu, Libei, Doshi, Kshitij, Giles, Ellis, et al.. "Non-intrusive Persistence with a Backend NVM Controller." <i>Computer Architecture Letters,</i> PP, no. 99 (2015) IEEE: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LCA.2015.2443105.https://hdl.handle.net/1911/81854By providing instruction-grained access to vast amounts of persistent data with ordinary loads and stores, byte-addressable storage class memory (SCM) has the potential to revolutionize system architecture. We describe a non-intrusive SCM controller for achieving light-weight failure atomicity through back-end operations. Our solution avoids costly software intervention by decoupling isolation and concurrency-driven atomicity from failure atomicity and durability, and does not require changes to the front-end cache hierarchy. Two implementation alternatives – one using a hardware structure, and the other extending the memory controller with a firmware managed volatile space, are described.engThis is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by IEEE.Non-intrusive Persistence with a Backend NVM ControllerJournal articlenon-volatile memorypersistent memoryatomicitydurabilityconsistencyhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LCA.2015.2443105