Bucaj, ValmirDamanik, DavidFillman, JakeGerbuz, VitalyVandenBoom, TomWang, FengpengZhang, Zhenghe2019-10-252019-10-252019Bucaj, Valmir, Damanik, David, Fillman, Jake, et al.. "Positive Lyapunov exponents and a Large Deviation Theorem for continuum Anderson models, briefly." <i>Journal of Functional Analysis,</i> 277, no. 9 (2019) Elsevier: 3179-3186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2019.05.028.https://hdl.handle.net/1911/107512In this short note, we prove positivity of the Lyapunov exponent for 1D continuum Anderson models by leveraging some classical tools from inverse spectral theory. The argument is much simpler than the existing proof due to Damanik–Sims–Stolz, and it covers a wider variety of random models. Along the way we note that a Large Deviation Theorem holds uniformly on compacts.engThis is an author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by Elsevier.Positive Lyapunov exponents and a Large Deviation Theorem for continuum Anderson models, brieflyJournal articleAnderson localizationLyapunov exponentsLarge deviation estimatesSchrödinger operatorshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2019.05.028