Coates, Mark J.Nowak, Robert David2007-10-312007-10-312000-09-202000-09-20M. J. Coates and R. D. Nowak, "Network Loss Inference Using Unicast End-to-End Measurement," 2000. PaperThe fundamental objective of this work is to determine the extent to which unicast, end-to-end network measurement is capable of determining internal network losses. The major contributions of this paper are two-fold: we formulate a measurement procedure for network loss inference based on end-to-end packet pair measurements,and we develop a statistical modeling and computation framework for inferring internal network loss characteristics. Simulation experiments demonstrate the potential of our new framework.engunicastend-to-endmeasurementinternal network lossNetwork Loss Inference Using Unicast End-to-End MeasurementConference paperunicastend-to-endmeasurementinternal network loss