Steger, ChristopherRadosavljevic, PredragFrantz, Patrick2007-10-312007-10-312002-04-202002-07-29C. Steger, P. Radosavljevic and P. Frantz, "White Paper on IEEE 802.11b Mobile Channel Modeling," <i>None,</i> 2002. DocumentResearchers from Rice Universityâ s Center for Multimedia Communications (CMC) recently conducted experiments with the goal of understanding and quantifying the effects of various channel effects on an 802.11b link. In order to manipulate the channel effects, the CMC group used a TAS 4500 channel emulator to connect two specially modified wireless LAN cards mounted in laptop PCâ s.eng802.11b WirelessWhite Paper on IEEE 802.11b Mobile Channel ModelingWhite paper802.11b Wireless