Nevidomskyy, Andriy H2022-10-052022-10-052022-052022-04-19May 2022Butcher, Matthew. "Ground States and Phase Transitions in Frustrated Spin Models: Investigations Using Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo." (2022) Diss., Rice University. <a href=""></a>. frustrations are the fundamental cause of many interesting phenomena in materials that have been intensely studied since the middle of the 20th century. Magnetic systems with competing interactions, ranging from insulating antiferromagnets to arrays of superconducting qubits, exhibit nontrivial quantum e ects that arise from the need to satisfy a jagged free energy landscape. The search for and characterization of quantum spin liquids, nontrivial topological phases, and quantum phase transitions is conducted through investigations of such frustrated models. Within the large umbrella of frustrated magnetism I have studied some speci c models with the purpose of answering the following questions: (1) What are the interesting phases and less-interesting phases, and how do they fall in the phase diagram relative to one another? (2) What properties do the phases have, and how can we characterize what happens when one phase transitions to another? Armed with the answers to these questions, researchers can further explore these interesting phenomena and apply them towards new materials and devices. In this thesis, I rst develop a computational methodology for studying both classical and quantum spin models using various forms of Monte Carlo simulation. I use classical Monte Carlo to study highly-frustrated models of Ising spins both at nite temperatures and in the T = 0 limit, to map the phase diagram and determine the universality class of phase transitions. Using these methods, I show that in a dissipative chain of qubits, bath-induced qubit-qubit interactions lead to collective decoherence above a critical dissipation strength. This causes the qubits to lose all stored information and become fully correlated with one another, an e ect that one would need to mitigate in order to perform quantum computation. In another study, I show that in antiferromagnetic insulators with anisotropic interactions, frustration can cause an intermediate paramagnetic phase with oblong \droplets" of correlated spins. This phenomenon is quite general and the presence of these droplets can help explain experimental signatures that occur at unexpected temperatures in such materials. In addition to the classical simulations, I develop a variational Monte Carlo (VMC) technique to search for ground states in Heisenberg-type models, speci cally for spins S = 1. The case of S = 1 is more complicated than the case for S = 1=2 due to an additional local degree of freedom, which has interesting implications for the possible states that can be realized. Using semiclassical energy minimization as well as VMC, I show that spin S = 1 diamond-lattice antiferromagnets experience higher-order spinspin interactions that destroy previously theorized liquid-like spiral spin orderings. However, the presence of these higher-order interactions can also potentially allow other phases such as quantum spin liquids and topological paramagnets. Such results can provide an avenue for explaining anomalous phenomena like low-temperature paramagnetism in future experimental materials.application/pdfengCopyright is held by the author, unless otherwise indicated. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the work beyond the bounds of fair use or other exemptions to copyright law must be obtained from the copyright holder.Quantum Dissipative SystemsQuantum Spin LiquidsFrustrated MagnetismMonte CarloVariational Monte CarloGround States and Phase Transitions in Frustrated Spin Models: Investigations Using Classical and Quantum Monte CarloThesis2022-10-05