2011-03-252011-03-259-9-00 1:32003https://hdl.handle.net/1911/40957This image contains 1 people; 1 male(s); 1 Asian; The origin of the image is Domestic. Watermark Unknown.DrawingPeopleMaleAsianDomesticShanghai Metro Safety,metrosafetya03smetrosafetya03s当您的双手离开自己的手机钱包时,小心第三只手拿走他们; [Shanghai Metro Safety. Shanghai Metro Police Branch. Renmin Square Police Station. At the moment when your hands are off your cell phone and wallet, be aware of the first hand which would snatch them away. Shanghai Metro Advertising Company.]Metro ServicesPublic Service AdsShanghai Metro Safetynewspapers [报纸]