Chinomona, Rujeko2018-06-192018-06-192016-05Chinomona, Rujeko. "Black Oil Simulation Utilizing a Central Finite Volume Scheme." (2016) <a href=""></a>. work was also published as a Rice University thesis/dissertation: simulation is a valuable tool in predicting the multi-phase multi-component flow of fluids in reservoirs. This research validates the use of a central high resolution finite volume scheme developed by Kurganov and Tadmor (KT) to the black-oil model problem. The KT scheme is desirable because of its relative ease of implementation and its ability to generate high resolution solutions at low computational costs. In addition, convergence rates on simple hyperbolic conservation law problems provided in this thesis indicate that the KT scheme is second order. Results obtained from simulations are in alignment with published literature and simulations also accommo- date changing variables with predictable outcomes. The KT scheme can be applied to the black-oil model problem with increased confidence.58 ppengBlack Oil Simulation Utilizing a Central Finite Volume SchemeTechnical reportTR16-05