Braun, KazimierzKurczaba, Alex S.MacDonald, Helen BajorekGawronski, SJ, RaymondRadzilowski, JohnBraun, KazimierzKurczaba, Alex S.MacDonald, Helen BajorekGawronski, SJ, RaymondRadzilowski, JohnThompson, Ewa2011-01-042011-01-042001-01Braun, Kazimierz, Kurczaba, Alex S., MacDonald, Helen Bajorek, et al.. "The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 21, No. 1." (2001) The Polish Institute of Houston, Inc.: <a href=""></a>.1059-5872 "SR INDEX"; Kazimierz Braun, "Day of Witness, Foreword and Chapters Five and Eight", translated by Christopher Adam Zakrzewski; Alex S. Kurczaba, "Polish Studies in American Higher Education"; "BOOKS"; Helen Bajorek MacDonald, "The Last Time I Saw My Mother (poem)"; "LETTERS" (Raymond Gawronski, SJ, John Radzilowski; "About the Authors"; "LECTURE ANNOUNCEMENT"engPolish Americans--PeriodicalsPoland--PeriodicalsEurope, Eastern--PeriodicalsThe Sarmatian Review, Vol. 21, No. 1The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 21, No. 1Journal article