2011-03-252011-03-259-8-00 23:2003https://hdl.handle.net/1911/41269This image contains 2 people; 1 female(s); 3 Asian; The origin of the image is Domestic. Watermark Unknown.mixPeopleFemaleAsianDomesticA Serenade Play,serenadeplaya03hserenadeplaya03h[missing text] [Rest of Crew: Maia, Went Yelling. Producer: Du Weiyumin. Screenplayer: Du Yinwei. Director: Gu Tianlong. Date: December 12 - 28, 2003. Location: Science and Technology University of Hong Kong. Time: 7:30PM. Ticket: VIP/$320/260/200/120. Credit card hotlin]PerformanceEntertainment and TourismA Serenade Playnewspapers [报纸]