Robinson, Jacob T.Jorgolli, MarselaPark, Hongkun2013-05-022013-05-022013Robinson, Jacob T., Jorgolli, Marsela and Park, Hongkun. "Nanowire electrodes for high-density stimulation and measurement of neural circuits." <i>Frontiers in Neural Circuits,</i> 7, no. 38 (2013) Frontiers Media S.A.: interfaces (BMIs) that can precisely monitor and control neural activity will likely require new hardware with improved resolution and specificity. New nanofabricated electrodes with feature sizes and densities comparable to neural circuits may lead to such improvements. In this perspective,we review the recent development of vertical nanowire (NW) electrodes that could provide highly parallel single-cell recording and stimulation fo rfuture BMIs. We compare the advantages of these devices and discuss some of the technical challenges that must be overcome for this technology to become a platform for next-generation closed-loop BMIs.engThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in other forums, provided the original authors and source are credited and subject to any copyright notices concerning any third-party graphics etc.Nanowire electrodes for high-density stimulation and measurement of neural circuitsJournal articlebrain machine interface(BMI)nanotechnologynanowiresneuroengineeringelectrophysiology