López Turley, RuthSelsberg, Bradley2024-07-232024-07-232024López Turley, Ruth & Selsberg, Bradley. "Texas School District Funding Gaps." (2024) Rice University Kinder Institute for Urban Research. https://doi.org/10.25611/WSJZ-5Z43https://hdl.handle.net/1911/117425In April 2024, the School Finance Indicators Database released new estimates of school district funding gaps, which refer to the difference between how much per-pupil funding each district receives and how much per-pupil funding each district needs. Linking these estimates to Texas Education Agency (TEA) student achievement ratings, this brief examines the extent of funding gaps in Texas school districts and how they impact student performance. The brief also identifies the gaps that are of greatest concern.engCopyright ©2024 by Rice University Kinder Institute for Urban Research. All rights reserved.Texas School District Funding GapsReporthttps://doi.org/10.25611/WSJZ-5Z43