2011-03-252011-03-259-9-00 0:22003https://hdl.handle.net/1911/41166The origin of the image is Foreign. Watermark Unknown.PhotoForeignCoca Cola Drink,cocacolaa03scocacolaa03s即日起至2003年10月20日,收集满3个指定可口可乐公司碳酸饮料产品标签或在指定卖场或超市购买价值10院可口可乐公司碳酸饮料产品,换取刮奖卡有机会赢得欢乐奖品。参加抽奖,更有机会与你的亲友共赴韩国欢渡假期; [Between now and October 20, 2003, collect 3 designated Cocacola softdrink product label or buy RMB10 yuan worth of products in supermarket, have a chance to win lucky prize. Even have opportunities to have vacation in Korea with your family. ]BeverageFood and DiningCoca Cola Drinknewspapers [报纸]