Myllylä, MarkusHintikka, Juha-MattiCavallaro, Joseph R.Juntti, MarkkuLimingoja, MattiByman, Aaron2012-06-142012-06-142005-11-01M. Myllylä, J. Hintikka, J. R. Cavallaro, M. Juntti, M. Limingoja and A. Byman, "Complexity Analysis of MMSE Detector Architectures for MIMO OFDM Systems," 2005.,44 this paper, a field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of a linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) detector is considered for MIMO-OFDM systems. Two square root free algorithms based on QR decomposition (QRD) are introduced for the implementation of LMMSE detector. Both algorithms are based on QRD via Givens rotations, namely coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) and squared Givens rotation (SGR) algorithms. Linear and triangular shaped array architectures are considered to exploit the parallelism in the computations. An FPGA hardware implementation is presented and computational complexity of each implementation is evaluated and compared.engFPGAMIMO-OFDMLMMSE detectorCORDICComplexity Analysis of MMSE Detector Architectures for MIMO OFDM SystemsConference paper