Payan, Tony2018-03-162018-03-16Payan, Tony. "NAFTA Renegotiations: Constraints and Likely Outcome." <i>Issue Brief,</i> 11.29.17, (2017) James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy: <a href=""></a>. most likely future for NAFTA is neither continuity — that is off the table as per U.S. goals — nor a “modernized” agreement that the U.S. does not appear to want. The probable result is an agreement that will include new areas but is in general more restrictive (less free, if you will), with the political interests of the Trump administration decisively shaping the final document. Tony Payan explains.NAFTA Renegotiations: Constraints and Likely OutcomeBI-Brief-112917-MEX_NAFTA