Krane, Jim2016-08-192016-08-19Krane, Jim. "Climate Risk and the Fossil Fuel Industry: Two Feet High and Rising." (2016) James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy: <a href=""></a>. coal, oil and natural gas is responsible for two-thirds of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Yet these same fuels are also the economic mainstay of resource-rich countries and the world’s largest firms, meaning that climate change relief actions represent danger for the fossil fuel business. In this working paper, energy fellow Jim Krane examines the risks the fossil fuel industry faces as a result of climate mitigation strategies.engclimate change riskfossil fuelstranded assetsunburnable carboncarbon bubblecarbon budgetdivestmentcarbon pricecarbon taxcap-and-tradeINDCsCOP 21shareholder riskleave it in the groundgreenhouse gasGHGdecarbonizationClimate Risk and the Fossil Fuel Industry: Two Feet High and Rising