2014-11-102023-11-282014-11-102023-11-281989-11-12Siegel, Jeffrey (piano) (performer). "KEYBOARD CONVERSATIONS with JEFFREY SIEGEL." (1989) Shepherd School of Music, Rice University: <a href="https://hdl.handle.net/1911/78190">https://hdl.handle.net/1911/78190</a>.https://hdl.handle.net/1911/78190PROGRAM: Moonlight sonata Sonata quasi una fantasia in C sharp minor, op. 27, no. 2 / Ludwig van Beetoven -- Appasionata sonata" Sonata in F minor, op. 57 / Ludwig van Beethoven4 ppDuration: 1:37:24Copyrighted material. All rights reserved.Guest artist lecture-recitalKEYBOARD CONVERSATIONS with JEFFREY SIEGELssm1989-11-12Apamphletsreformatted digital