Kaczyński, JarosławKoronacki, JacekRozek, Edward J.Sempruch, JustynaDay, Jennifer J.Tucker, JanetChodakiewicz, Marek JanBest, Jolanta W.Kaminski, StevenKaczyński, JarosławKoronacki, JacekRozek, Edward J.Sempruch, JustynaDay, Jennifer J.Tucker, JanetChodakiewicz, Marek JanBest, Jolanta W.Kaminski, StevenThompson, Ewa2011-01-052011-01-052006-04Kaczyński, Jarosław, Koronacki, Jacek, Rozek, Edward J., et al.. "The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 26, No. 2." (2006) The Polish Institute of Houston, Inc.: <a href="https://hdl.handle.net/1911/36258">https://hdl.handle.net/1911/36258</a>.1059-5872https://hdl.handle.net/1911/36258Contents: "OUR TAKE: Sweat Equity"; "SR Index"; Jarosław Kaczyński, "Address to the Polish Parliament (Sejm) delivered on the occasion of the first hundred days of the new presidency and government"; Jacek Koronacki, "The Poland of Solidarity, the Poland of Liberalism"; "BOOKS Books"; Edward J. Rozek, "Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy: 2004" (review); Justyna Sempruch, "The Grasinski Girls: The Choices They Had and the Choices They Made" (review); Jennifer J. Day, "Testaments: Two Novellas of Emigration and Exile" (review); Janet Tucker, "Moving Parts" (review); Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, "Sowjetische Partisanen in Weißrußland" (review); Jolanta W. Best, "The Polish Underground Army, the Western Allies, and the Failure of Strategic Unity in World War II" (review); Steven Kaminski, "Three Poems"; "ABOUT THE AUTHORS"engPolish Americans--PeriodicalsPoland--PeriodicalsEurope, Eastern--PeriodicalsThe Sarmatian Review, Vol. 26, No. 2The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 26, No. 2Journal article