Mukkavilli, Krishna KiranSabharwal, AshutoshAazhang, Behnaam2007-10-312007-10-312002-10-202002-10-20K. K. Mukkavilli, A. Sabharwal and B. Aazhang, "Finite Rate Feedback Design for Multiple Transmit Antennas," 2002. PaperMany practical systems employ a feedback channel to convey the channel state information to the transmitter.The capacity of the feedback channels is usually limited to a few bits per frame. We design feedback based transmission schemes for multiple transmit antenna systems in this work. The important contribution of this work is a design criterion for the construction of optimal beamformers with a constraint on the rate of the feedback channel. Beamforming schemes also lead to reduced complexity compared to space time coding schemes at the cost of a few bits of feedback.engFeedbackMIMOBeamformingTransmit diversityOutage probabilityFinite Rate Feedback Design for Multiple Transmit AntennasConference paperFeedbackMIMOBeamformingTransmit diversityOutage probability