Amiri, KiarashDick, ChrisRao, RaghuCavallaro, Joseph R.2012-06-082012-06-082010-12-01K. Amiri, C. Dick, R. Rao and J. R. Cavallaro, "Reduced Complexity Soft MMSE MIMO Detector Architecture," 2010. the soft LLR values in MMSE receivers of MIMO systems requires a very large complexity. In this paper, we propose a reduced complexity soft MMSE detector for MIMO systems. We use different complexity reductions techniques and propose an architecture based on the new reduced-complexity method. We also compare the complexity and show more than 2x complexity reduction using this method. We present complexity/performance tradeoffs to demonstrate the efficacy of our techniques. More importantly, these techniques give the receivers the flexibility to choose how accurately they perform the detection based on the available resources.engLLR valuesMMSE receiversMIMO systemsMMSE detectorTradeoffsReduced Complexity Soft MMSE MIMO Detector ArchitectureConference paper