Khoshnevis, Ahmad2007-10-312007-10-312000-05-202002-10-30A. Khoshnevis, "An Introduction to Wideband CDMA," <i>ELEC 599 Project Report,</i> 2000. 599 Project ReportThe main goal of this project is to design a space-time code system for wideband code division multiple access (Wideband CDMA). In this work we tried to make the essential foundations for this goal. There are two key questions. First is the tradeoff between coding and spreading in a wideband channel. Since the bandwidth expansion is achievable both from coding and from spreading the signal in a code division multiple access (CDMA) system. And second is the type of spreading. Since in DS-SS system the signal power is spread in a wide bandwidth, in limit, the capacity approaches zero. We also looked at the tradeoffs between direct sequence and frequency hopped spread spectrum in this work.engcode division multiple accessCDMAwidebandAn Introduction to Wideband CDMAReportcode division multiple accessCDMAwideband